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Stock版 - Market rational or irrational?
ANR一天暴跌4+%, rational or irrational?what happened AH
涨成这样股版还不热烈what happened to Amazon?
what happened? Market down 240 pointsBP dropped much AH
money market fund 安全吗?what happened to COCO
Market isn't liquid now.What happened to NFLX?
what happened before market closed?What happened to Adbe?
What happened to F?what happened to TSTC?
Will AA go to 13 this time?What happened to YOKU?
话题: market话题: irrational话题: rational话题: down话题: what
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 42
What happened this morning changed my view about Mr. market.
This fast moving high is so fake that I can't believe this is US market.
How could something like that happened?
Down, down, and only drop more can explain what I saw.
发帖数: 2632
Who cares.

【在 t*******0 的大作中提到】
: What happened this morning changed my view about Mr. market.
: This fast moving high is so fake that I can't believe this is US market.
: How could something like that happened?
: Down, down, and only drop more can explain what I saw.

发帖数: 42
Drop baby, drop, drop

【在 t*******0 的大作中提到】
: What happened this morning changed my view about Mr. market.
: This fast moving high is so fake that I can't believe this is US market.
: How could something like that happened?
: Down, down, and only drop more can explain what I saw.

1 (共1页)
What happened to YOKU?Market isn't liquid now.
what happened to FFIV mid-day?what happened before market closed?
What happened to GLCH?? Dropped 11% today!What happened to F?
what just happenedWill AA go to 13 this time?
ANR一天暴跌4+%, rational or irrational?what happened AH
涨成这样股版还不热烈what happened to Amazon?
what happened? Market down 240 pointsBP dropped much AH
money market fund 安全吗?what happened to COCO
话题: market话题: irrational话题: rational话题: down话题: what