有街上儿的说说这个法规出来对市场有什么影响?是不是对day trading不
或者是不是新瓶装旧酒 换汤不换药呀?
The rules require market makers to submit bids and offers within 8 percent
of the prevailing price for the biggest U.S. stocks. They ban stub quotes,
or placeholder requests that range from pennies to thousands of dollars that
were adopted in response to rules requiring traders to maintain bids and
offers. Stub quotes resulted in a “significant proportion” of the almost
20,800 trades voided on May 6 when $862 billion in equity value was briefly
erased in 20 minutes, regulators said. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-12-06/market-maker-rules-aimed-at-ending-stub-quotes-in-stocks-take-effect-today.html