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Stock版 - It is still too early to say Android Wins
借人气 问一下 verizon 的iphone 5 回国可以直接用么?T 和 VZ那个现在能进?
iPhones to exclusively carry Qualcomm chips要赌就来一个大的
brcm完蛋了Load VZ @ 29.28
新手上路5个月心得-与青蛙共勉,高手略过WDC's PE is below 10 now
究竟AT&T 的代號是T 還是ATT啊?3GS比2G的真的快好多啊
T这个s**ker 在干啥呢AT&T选择爱立信及阿朗为LTE供货商 华为落选 (转载)
话题: android话题: droid话题: iphone话题: apps话题: phone
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4358
I can't believe all the great reviews ANDROID is getting. At one time or
another I've used most of the mobile operating systems outhere, and Droid is
by far the worst! (I have Verizon Motorola Droid 2). Its obvious Google
lucked out that Jobs made a bad deal with AT&T, and Verizon users are
desperate for something they think is equivalent to the iPhone.
Here are only SOME of the things I hate about Droid.
1) No spell check, any editing is not present or too complicated
2) Browser doesn't work or takes forever to load
3) Can't play any video, youtube, etc.. (takes forever to load and freezes
after a couple of seconds
4) Screen is unreponsive, can't scroll, have to press on links several times
, doesn't zoom in or out consistently.
5) The included calculater doesn't have % sign (even in the extra symbols)
6) the screen doesn't auto adjust when you turn it ( you have to literally
slap the top for it to change.
7) The touch keyboard is terrible, small, unresponsive.
8) It does not work with Microsoft Exchange (ALL LIES)
9) the phone is so busy with crap apps that it can make your head spin!!!
10) You can't download most of the apps if your not willing to allow access
to all your information. including your location.
11) Anything you want to do with this phone requires a gmail account (you
can't even activate the phone without one)
12) Beware! there is no privacy with this phone! most of the pre installed
apps have location services, and data sharing turned on and running.
I can go on and on but my fingers are almost bleeding using the terrible
keyboard. I can't believe I fell for the "good reviews" trap again. The tech
sites won't give you the truth because they are afraid of " THE DON'T BE
EVIL" GOOGLE, and most users are more interested in a phone that serves as a
status symbol, rather than getting an actual decent device. I'm assuming
you saw the recent poll that iPhone users get laid more...
Android (2.1) slowest os on 800 mhz spica. Even iphone runs on 500 mhz and is blazing fast.
Also android market is 99% full with fake/crap apps. Android platform has major problems, thats why people writing file managers/task killers/ like apps that should come with its fw. Android should die.
Also why dont they added a single screen sized wallpaper option? I dont like multiple screens and i am tooo angry for not able to set my wallpapers correctly.
see more in http://amplicate.com/hate/android
发帖数: 16209
I can't find it anymore, but I also did a bad review on droid and returned
the phone.
but android had advanced since then. I think it hurt apple market for sure.


【在 j****n 的大作中提到】
: I can't believe all the great reviews ANDROID is getting. At one time or
: another I've used most of the mobile operating systems outhere, and Droid is
: by far the worst! (I have Verizon Motorola Droid 2). Its obvious Google
: lucked out that Jobs made a bad deal with AT&T, and Verizon users are
: desperate for something they think is equivalent to the iPhone.
: Here are only SOME of the things I hate about Droid.
: 1) No spell check, any editing is not present or too complicated
: 2) Browser doesn't work or takes forever to load
: 3) Can't play any video, youtube, etc.. (takes forever to load and freezes
: after a couple of seconds

发帖数: 4358
that post is recent near the end of October 2010.
Obvious google grab the chance and earn some market share because apple did
not enter veriozon.
but android will earn a bad reputation, it will be discarded by the
consumers even there are some improvements in the future.
Let's See

【在 w******s 的大作中提到】
: I can't find it anymore, but I also did a bad review on droid and returned
: the phone.
: but android had advanced since then. I think it hurt apple market for sure.
: is

发帖数: 310
发帖数: 940

【在 y****o 的大作中提到】
: 生产ANDROID有好家,形成了竞争了局面,而IPHONE因为垄断固步自封,据说三番好多
: 人用IPHONE,上周打电话说几句都断线,经常是能听到我说,听不到他们说话,ATT的服
: 务实在太差了

发帖数: 16603
AAPL kicked out infineon (now INTC) baseband and switched to QCOM
Might be a good move.

【在 i**p 的大作中提到】
: 也可能是iphone太差了。我以前的moto在att上没问题,换了iphone就信号差偶尔断线
: 了。

发帖数: 16209
时间上intc 收infineon和apple kick out infineon哪个先哪个后?


【在 b******r 的大作中提到】
: AAPL kicked out infineon (now INTC) baseband and switched to QCOM
: Might be a good move.

发帖数: 16603

【在 w******s 的大作中提到】
: 时间上intc 收infineon和apple kick out infineon哪个先哪个后?
: 断线

发帖数: 16603
发帖数: 16209

【在 b******r 的大作中提到】
: 也有可能我记错了。。可能QCOM只是给CDMA2000的3G提供baseband,就是VZ的iphone。
: WCDMA的baseband可能还是INTC的,就是ATT的

究竟AT&T 的代號是T 還是ATT啊?T 和 VZ那个现在能进?
T这个s**ker 在干啥呢要赌就来一个大的
发帖数: 16603
QCOM是CDMA的老祖宗,VZ的network是CDMA based的3G,
ATT的network是GSM based的3G,上层虽然统一了,物理层还是不同。

【在 w******s 的大作中提到】
: 苹果应该选择统一的解决方案吧?
发帖数: 18555
发帖数: 1006
Interesting. My Nexus One doesn't have these phone specific problems, except "spell check".
I don't use my phone to type a
lot anyway so it's not an issue for me.


【在 j****n 的大作中提到】
: I can't believe all the great reviews ANDROID is getting. At one time or
: another I've used most of the mobile operating systems outhere, and Droid is
: by far the worst! (I have Verizon Motorola Droid 2). Its obvious Google
: lucked out that Jobs made a bad deal with AT&T, and Verizon users are
: desperate for something they think is equivalent to the iPhone.
: Here are only SOME of the things I hate about Droid.
: 1) No spell check, any editing is not present or too complicated
: 2) Browser doesn't work or takes forever to load
: 3) Can't play any video, youtube, etc.. (takes forever to load and freezes
: after a couple of seconds

发帖数: 1254
Android will win. Still remember WinTel Vs Apple? Android can not kill Apple
, just like PC vs Mac. But in terms of market share, the winner is not so
hard to project.
发帖数: 468
Well, looks like you just got a bad Droid phone.
1. Have you used swipe?
2. Browser loading is not slower (if not faster) than iPhone 4. The
pinch zoom is not good in a large page.
3. Youtube works even better than my iPad. And even Flash works great
(even with so many bad rumors about it).
4. Screen works good for me. But again, pinch zoom is really bad.
Firefox and Opera mobile fix this issue though.
5. Good point, but never used that function.
6. Flip faster than iPhone/iPad.
7. Again, swipe is superior if you know how to use it.
8. It works pretty well with both of my previous employers exchange
server. But I do hear people complaining about it sometimes.
9. Well, only if you download so many craps.
10. That's actually not true. You can simply verify that with the top
30ish popular apps.
11. Yes, that's a pain when you don't have one. (think about use apple
without iTune?)
12. Maybe, so far hasn't any issue with that. Your Droid 2 has physical
keyboard that can type way faster than any touch screen one, well, at
least most of them do.

Droid is

【在 j****n 的大作中提到】
: I can't believe all the great reviews ANDROID is getting. At one time or
: another I've used most of the mobile operating systems outhere, and Droid is
: by far the worst! (I have Verizon Motorola Droid 2). Its obvious Google
: lucked out that Jobs made a bad deal with AT&T, and Verizon users are
: desperate for something they think is equivalent to the iPhone.
: Here are only SOME of the things I hate about Droid.
: 1) No spell check, any editing is not present or too complicated
: 2) Browser doesn't work or takes forever to load
: 3) Can't play any video, youtube, etc.. (takes forever to load and freezes
: after a couple of seconds

发帖数: 4358
yes that point.
That means diffrent andtroid models does not have unified quality.
that means you can not expect what you can get.

except "spell check".

【在 P***t 的大作中提到】
: Interesting. My Nexus One doesn't have these phone specific problems, except "spell check".
: I don't use my phone to type a
: lot anyway so it's not an issue for me.
: is

1 (共1页)
ipad卖得怎样?究竟AT&T 的代號是T 還是ATT啊?
为什么电信企业的股价普遍比较低T这个s**ker 在干啥呢
AT&T to Book $1B Cost on Health-Care想割肉的注意了
借人气 问一下 verizon 的iphone 5 回国可以直接用么?T 和 VZ那个现在能进?
iPhones to exclusively carry Qualcomm chips要赌就来一个大的
brcm完蛋了Load VZ @ 29.28
话题: android话题: droid话题: iphone话题: apps话题: phone