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Stock版 - Trading Market Neutral Strategies with Options (zt)
Understanding Iron Condors, Part I (zt)攒人品,收包子系列一
When Gata's Murphy is doing his job, it's a time for GLD to soarSometimes I just play simple strategy
请问一下:tax strategy.想找人合作自己动手做一个系统
[合集] 请教做shit桶的,trading signal-based strategy 如何calibratePMI底在哪儿?
Option Play and Strategy最新!Google内部员工传出的事件真实内幕。 (转载)
Trade Short Term Option vs Leap and Risk Control最新!Google内部员工传出的事件真实内幕。 (转载)
Strategy微软总裁保尔莫就谷歌事件接受CNBC采访 (转载)
the best strategy in bear market is in CASHZT: John Gilner Discusses His Trading Strategies
话题: trading话题: market话题: neutral话题: strategies话题: options
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 16594
Trading Market Neutral Strategies with Options
from Stock Trading To Go by Mark Wolfinger
Most investors believe they can pick stocks that outperform the major
averages, despite evidence that professional money managers cannot (see for
example: Baer & Gensler, The Great Mutual Fund Trap). This may be the result
of selective memory. If you are not one of those with great predictive
powers, or you never know which way the stock market is going to move in the
future, then the idea of trading a mark
1 (共1页)
ZT: John Gilner Discusses His Trading StrategiesOption Play and Strategy
请高手推荐新手入门的书Trade Short Term Option vs Leap and Risk Control
LCC is so strongStrategy
惹不起,我还躲的起the best strategy in bear market is in CASH
Understanding Iron Condors, Part I (zt)攒人品,收包子系列一
When Gata's Murphy is doing his job, it's a time for GLD to soarSometimes I just play simple strategy
请问一下:tax strategy.想找人合作自己动手做一个系统
[合集] 请教做shit桶的,trading signal-based strategy 如何calibratePMI底在哪儿?
话题: trading话题: market话题: neutral话题: strategies话题: options