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Statistics版 - 本人生物统计硕士一枚,求德州大侠内推工作
也对统计的初学者说几句[SPSS达人乱入,包子贴]请问怎样用COMPUTE COMMAND来create summary scale 阿
[合集] 请各位鉴定一下,俺能找生统的工作吗菜鸟问题:一个spss 的问题,请各位帮忙。包子酬谢!
[合集] 现在工业界用的较多的什么统计软件?A SPSS question about "reading multiple data files",Thanks!!!
[合集] 请教关于ANOVA中df=0的问题新手求教关于SAS STATA
SAS、Stata与SPSS的比较 (ZZ)help, got laid off
[合集] 帮我姐姐问,她要申请哈佛的统计,不知道可否?请帮参考.请教Clementine问题
话题: 61656话题: health话题: sas话题: data话题: analyze
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 5
这里不能贴上简历,如果有信息,请跟我联系:[email protected]
/* */谢谢!!!
发帖数: 5

/* */谢谢!!!
Fei Jiang
Master of Public Health candidate concentrating in Biostatistics.
Experienced in study design, data collection, database management, the
methods and techniques of statistical analysis such as linear regression,
logistic regression, survival data analysis and correlated data analysis.
Over 5 years’ experience utilizing statistical analysis software SAS and
SPSS. Efficient in both a team environment and working independently.
Exceptional writing and communication skills.
Master of Public Health (MPH)
Expected August 2015
University of Nebraska Medical Center in College of Public Health, Omaha, NE
Concentration: Biostatistics
Relevant Coursework: Epidemiology in Public Health, Health Service
Administration, Health Behavior, Public Health Environment and Society,
Design of Medical Health Studies, Biostatistical Methods II (Applied Linear
Statistical Models), Categorical Data Analysis, Survival Data Analysis,
Correlated Data Analysis
Awards: Graduate Assistantship
Master of Entomology
June 2006
Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, Hubei China
Bachelor of Plant Protection
June 2003
Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, Hubei China
SAS Program Certifications
SAS Certified Base Programmer for SAS 9
January 2014
SAS Certified Advanced Programmer for SAS 9
August 2014
SAS Certified Statistical Business Analyst Using SAS 9
January 2015
Service Learning/ Capstone Experience January 2015-
Expected August 2015
University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE
At Department of Epidemiology in College of Public Health
Analyze the Interaction between Pathogen Recognition Receptors and
Agricultural Exposure with Forced Expiratory Volume at One Second (FEV1)
 Collect and compile the data for a cross sectional study
 Analyze the data using SAS and SPSS
 Analyze the association between TLR2, TLR4, CD14 Polymorphisms
and agricultural exposures
 Analyze the association between TLR2, TLR4, CD14 Polymorphisms
and FEV1
 Analyze the relationship between TLR2, TLR4, CD14 Polymorphisms
and agricultural exposures with FEV1
 Analyze the result and present a report
 Provide the information for public health professionals to
prevent chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Graduate Research Assistant Experience January 2015
- Expected August 2015
University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE
At Joint Data Center of Department of Health Service Research &
Administration in College of Public Health
Parkinson Disease with Social Determinants Analysis in Nebraska
 Collect un-identified patients’ data with many social
determinant factors
 Analyze the data using SAS and SPSS
 Analyze the association between patients and social determinant
 Provide the information for public health professionals to
prevent Parkinson disease
 Write a surveillance report and present it
Graduate Research Assistant Experience September
2014- December 2014
University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE
At Joint Data Center of Department of Health Service Research &
Administration in College of Public Health
Aging people falling down with social determinants analysis in Nebraska
 Collect un-identified patients’ data with many social
determinant factors
 Analyze 5 years’ data using SAS and SPSS
 Use weighted linear regression model and logistic regression
model to analyze the association between patients and social determinant
 Provide the information for public health professionals to
prevent aging people falling down
 Write a report
Cancer Research Experience
May 2009- July 2013
University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE
Work as a technologist I at Eppley Institute for Cancer Research
CULLIN 3- KLHL18 Ligase Ubiquitylates Aurora-A
 Read the articles about CULLIN ubiquity
 Do the experiments about cell culture, molecular cloning, PCR,
DNA and RNA gel electrophoresis, Immuno-precipitation, Western Blot and
 Design the experience and make the plan for the hypothesis
 Collect the data and analyze it using SAS and SPSS
 Analyze the result and make the plan for next step
 Write the summary and present the report
Research and Development Experience
July 2006- March 2008
WANGS Ltd., Zhuhai, Guangdong China
Production Development and Application
 Design the experiments and collect the data
 Analyze the data using SAS and SPSS
 Develop new productions and test them
 Present a report for new productions
 Promote new productions application
Teacher’s Assistant Experience
February 2005- June 2005
Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, Hubei China
Teaching assistant
 Prepare the materials for the class
 Present some contents for the class
 Communicate with the students and answer their question
 Mark the assignments
International Society for Agricultural Safety and Health Conference
June 2014
College of Public Health at University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE
 Help conference members registration
 Prepare the computers and projectors for the meeting
 Provide the information for the members
Be a Judge for the 8th Grade Health Science Meet
April 2014
Student Life Center at University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE
 Review the posters of the 8th grade students about Health
 Communicate with the 8th grade students one by one
 Judge the scores for the posters
 Explain the evaluation for the posters one by one
Be the Match Registry
March 2014
Decreasing the Donor Deficit, Omaha NE

 Provide the information about blood cancers and bone marrow
transplantation for people
 Communicate with people about bone marrow donation
 Increase the number of donors
 Help donors finish the registration and collect the samples for
 Computer programmers: all versions of Microsoft Windows
operating systems for PC, Microsoft Office software including Excel, Word,
PowerPoint, SAS and SPSS Statistical Software for Windows- all versions,
Adobe Acrobat-all versions and Adobe Photoshop
 Laboratory procedures: Cell Culture, Molecular Cloning, PCR, DNA
and RNA gel electrophoresis, Immuno-precipitation, Western Blot,
Immunofluorescence, Plasmid Transfection and Infection
 Languages: English, Mandarin
 Communication: excellent oral and written skills, strong
cooperation with teammates
1. Saili Moghe, Fei Jiang, Yoshie Miura, Ronald L. Cerny, Mingying Tsai and
Manabu Furukawa. The CUL3-KLHL18 ligase regulates mitotic entry and
ubiquitylates Aurora-A. February 15, 2012 Biology Open 1, 82-91
2. Moghe S., Jiang F., Miura Y., Cerny R.L., Tsai M-Y, Furukawa M.
Identification of a Novel CUL3 Based E3 Ligase Involved in Mitotic Entry.
43rd Midwest Student Biomedical Research Forum, Omaha, NE (2012)
3. Geng LY, Fang M,Yi JM, Jiang F, Moeen-ud-Din M, Yang LG. Effect of
overexpression of inhibin alpha (1-32) fragment on bovine granulosa cell
proliferation, apoptosis, steroidogenesis, and development of co-cultured
oocytes. Theriogenology. 2008 Jul 1;70(1):35-43

【在 j*******4 的大作中提到】
: 小弟生物统计硕士即将毕业,想在德州安定下来,恳求德州大侠内推工作,非常感谢!
: !!
: 这里不能贴上简历,如果有信息,请跟我联系:[email protected]
: /* */谢谢!!!

发帖数: 312
1 (共1页)
请教Clementine问题[合集] 现在工业界用的较多的什么统计软件?
强烈呼唤牛人-question on analysis[合集] 请教关于ANOVA中df=0的问题
我想买sas 软件,麻烦好心人帮个忙。SAS、Stata与SPSS的比较 (ZZ)
请问SPSS 或者 SAS中变量名的变换 AABB - BBAA[合集] 帮我姐姐问,她要申请哈佛的统计,不知道可否?请帮参考.
也对统计的初学者说几句[SPSS达人乱入,包子贴]请问怎样用COMPUTE COMMAND来create summary scale 阿
[合集] 请各位鉴定一下,俺能找生统的工作吗菜鸟问题:一个spss 的问题,请各位帮忙。包子酬谢!
话题: 61656话题: health话题: sas话题: data话题: analyze