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Statistics版 - 包子求助 density of sum of two dependent rv
请教如何用SAS处理这个RANDOM SAMPLING的问题SAS question - baozi
怎么生成一个定好range的Lognormal Random Field ?求助,SAS运行proc logistic 出现离奇的现象!
用EM求的MLE,但是observed likelihood 怎么算呢求助:SAS结果显示model is not full rank
请教:如何根据已知的pdf得到一些random sample in RCan I test hypothesis based on estimated parameters?
how to generate bivariate random sample base on the density function using SAS郁闷死了,请教一个R的问题
问个关于hierarchical bayesian model的问题一个概念题
急问大家一个问题,关于F test 和T test关系的How to deal with unbalanced data
话题: density话题: strictly话题: underlying话题: random话题: domain
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 20
先谢过了.. 有包子奖励..
Two dependent continuous random variable X=h(W), Y=g(W), W is un underlying random
variable. Both X and Y have strictly positive density on R or the same valid domain. fx(x)>0, and fy(y)>0. I want to know if Z=X+Y have strictly positive density or not, fz(z)>0
on the domain???
I forgot to say that g and h are known functions. for example, both X and Y could be lognormals with different parameters, but with the same underlying normal random variable W.
While the density of Z=X+Y, fz(z)>0 strictly on the domain are my favoriate result..
发帖数: 4

underlying random

【在 A8 的大作中提到】
: 先谢过了.. 有包子奖励..
: Two dependent continuous random variable X=h(W), Y=g(W), W is un underlying random
: variable. Both X and Y have strictly positive density on R or the same valid domain. fx(x)>0, and fy(y)>0. I want to know if Z=X+Y have strictly positive density or not, fz(z)>0
: on the domain???
: I forgot to say that g and h are known functions. for example, both X and Y could be lognormals with different parameters, but with the same underlying normal random variable W.
: While the density of Z=X+Y, fz(z)>0 strictly on the domain are my favoriate result..
: Thanks...
: 牛人们能给点证明的建议不..
: 多谢多谢

发帖数: 20
Thanks. I forgot to say that g and h are known functions. Both X and Y could be lognormals with different parameters, but with the same underlying normal random variable W.
While the density of Z=X+Y, fz(z)>0 strictly are my favoriate result..

【在 i***k 的大作中提到】
: X=W
: Y=-W
: underlying random
: fy(
: >0

发帖数: 4
lognormal does not have strictly positive density on R.

could be lognormals with different parameters, but with the same underlying
normal random variable W.

【在 A8 的大作中提到】
: Thanks. I forgot to say that g and h are known functions. Both X and Y could be lognormals with different parameters, but with the same underlying normal random variable W.
: While the density of Z=X+Y, fz(z)>0 strictly are my favoriate result..
: Thanks...

发帖数: 20
I mean for example X Y could be log normal, but in this case the domain
should be R+, both X and Y have the same domain


【在 i***k 的大作中提到】
: lognormal does not have strictly positive density on R.
: could be lognormals with different parameters, but with the same underlying
: normal random variable W.

发帖数: 5409
counter example. w support is 0 - +inf, x and y are exp(w) from 1 to inf.
z=x+y is from 2 to inf. the support is different than x and y's.

【在 A8 的大作中提到】
: I mean for example X Y could be log normal, but in this case the domain
: should be R+, both X and Y have the same domain
: Thanks..
: underlying

发帖数: 20
Thanks for your input.
Good point. As long as the density is greater than zero on the valid support, it should be fine for me. In my case w is normal, so x, y z have the same support

【在 l*********s 的大作中提到】
: counter example. w support is 0 - +inf, x and y are exp(w) from 1 to inf.
: z=x+y is from 2 to inf. the support is different than x and y's.

发帖数: 5409
since f(x) is nonnegative, so as long as the support of Z is the same as X
and Y, you are set.

support, it should be fine for me. In my case w is normal, so x, y z have
the same support

【在 A8 的大作中提到】
: Thanks for your input.
: Good point. As long as the density is greater than zero on the valid support, it should be fine for me. In my case w is normal, so x, y z have the same support
: .
: Thanks...

发帖数: 20
I am thinking since X and Y are dependent. If we have Z=X+Y, is there possiblity that at some point, that f(z)=0.Like at this point the dF/dz=0, Although F(z) do not have flat piece.
Which makes f(z) not strictly greater than 0 at particular point on the
Thanks, guys... I'll FA BAOZI to you guys tonight...

【在 l*********s 的大作中提到】
: since f(x) is nonnegative, so as long as the support of Z is the same as X
: and Y, you are set.
: support, it should be fine for me. In my case w is normal, so x, y z have
: the same support

1 (共1页)
How to deal with unbalanced data请教:如何根据已知的pdf得到一些random sample in R
[合集] 请问一个问题, two random variables x and y (do not know dishow to generate bivariate random sample base on the density function using SAS
what is the distribution of a CDF of a random variable which has standard normal distribution?问个关于hierarchical bayesian model的问题
求高手指教,这个随机过程是Winner Process吗?急问大家一个问题,关于F test 和T test关系的
请教如何用SAS处理这个RANDOM SAMPLING的问题SAS question - baozi
怎么生成一个定好range的Lognormal Random Field ?求助,SAS运行proc logistic 出现离奇的现象!
用EM求的MLE,但是observed likelihood 怎么算呢求助:SAS结果显示model is not full rank
话题: density话题: strictly话题: underlying话题: random话题: domain