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Statistics版 - what's wrong with Proc Reg???
How to make image.plot in sasPlease help, Proc lifetest question about survival curve gr
SAS CODE how to solve this problem求助:SAS 画图输出问题.
一个sas问题For proc glm, how do I specify within-subject effect and between-subject effect for ANOVA analysis?
PCA作图PROC GPLOT能在一个图里绘制两个回归曲线么?
新手请教sas ods请教一下sas的指数函数
Re: 请问SAS如何学起?那个proc能最方便给出每个category的odds ratio
output multiple files in a do loopSAS求助:gplot 画图
话题: ods话题: proc话题: reg话题: graph话题: plot
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 12410
in SAS help it clearly shows that the "plots" option will plot a Fit graph
with Confidence Band and Prediction Limits. But when I run a code, it just
never appears in the output
I also tried ODS option to purposely select this Fit graph object, but I
just got nothing... what's wrong with it?
example is like here (figure 1.1)
发帖数: 12410
i think the possible reason is my regression is multivariates... I need a
single index variable to be used as x-axis. am I right?
if so, suppose I do have one variable can work as the x-axis, say month, do
I have to plot this kind of plot with gplot or in excel separately?

【在 l***a 的大作中提到】
: in SAS help it clearly shows that the "plots" option will plot a Fit graph
: with Confidence Band and Prediction Limits. But when I run a code, it just
: never appears in the output
: I also tried ODS option to purposely select this Fit graph object, but I
: just got nothing... what's wrong with it?
: example is like here (figure 1.1)
: http://www2.sas.com/proceedings/sugi31/095-31.pdf

发帖数: 8077
have u licensed sas\graph?
发帖数: 12410
hmm... i don't see that in setinit. does it belong to one of the following
or base?
发帖数: 14
Today I just used ods graphics on to display a plot in other procedure.
The plot did not appear after run the code. But when I add ods html; ahead
of ods graphics on, it appeared.
Don't know if the same for proc reg.
发帖数: 795
my experience in linux is that w/o specifying a path, ods graphics put the
graphic file in your default directory. You just need to find it.

【在 h*****5 的大作中提到】
: Today I just used ods graphics on to display a plot in other procedure.
: The plot did not appear after run the code. But when I add ods html; ahead
: of ods graphics on, it appeared.
: Don't know if the same for proc reg.

发帖数: 12410
thanks, i did use ods html. I always make sure to use ods html whenever I
call ods graphics.
to answer the other reply, I didn't manually browse the output graph files
in the documents folder. but shouldn't all these files be displayed on the
output html page?

【在 h*****5 的大作中提到】
: Today I just used ods graphics on to display a plot in other procedure.
: The plot did not appear after run the code. But when I add ods html; ahead
: of ods graphics on, it appeared.
: Don't know if the same for proc reg.

1 (共1页)
SAS求助:gplot 画图PCA作图
ods layout怎么不能分成两个column啊新手请教sas ods
一个画box plot的问题Re: 请问SAS如何学起?
请问一道joint hypothesized test 的题目output multiple files in a do loop
How to make image.plot in sasPlease help, Proc lifetest question about survival curve gr
SAS CODE how to solve this problem求助:SAS 画图输出问题.
一个sas问题For proc glm, how do I specify within-subject effect and between-subject effect for ANOVA analysis?
话题: ods话题: proc话题: reg话题: graph话题: plot