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Statistics版 - I guess I have too low expectation for myself.
same frustration as : 刚工作3月,请教职业前景[合集] statistics VS accounting?
工作推荐: SAS Programmer[合集] 以想做咨询,该从哪个OFFER
If you are interested, please contact with the recruiter.转专业,计算机OR 统计?
A Statistical Consultant Opening in NY/NJ Area, to be fille (转载)JSM2009 收到一个面试通知,请教大家:
问个概率小题seversl openings in a 985 university for statistics phds.
salary expectation range[合集] 这可怎么选择啊?生统专业PHD,UTH和Pitt~~
one math/statistics problem真诚求教板上的牛人们:统计Phd选方向的问题。真的真的迷惘的不行。。
我适不适合做统计?纽约地区哪个PHD program 容易读下来?
话题: phd话题: get话题: guess话题: degree话题: do
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 200
I plan to get my PHD in Aerospace Engineering next spring and I will get a
statistic master degree in this summer also.
Now, all I want is to get a job with annual salary greater than 5w. I do not
start job hunting yet.
I am good at Java, Matlab, R, JMP etc.
Feel depressed with the PHD thing now.
发帖数: 2174
呵呵, 很正常, 我当年也是突发一念决定quit PhD的.
当时qualify什么的都过了, 突然觉得PhD没什么意思了.
当时的想法就是, 只想找个工作, 哪怕去最差的工作,
也不愿意读最好的PhD了. 当时我的期望就是4w, 只要
有个4w块钱的工作, 我就quit.
发帖数: 8077
you are about to get a Ph.D in a year and it is quite a pity to quit this
PhD is somehow a personal archievement in one's life, admit or not; and it
may help you smooth out many things in your future career, believe or not


【在 D****1 的大作中提到】
: I plan to get my PHD in Aerospace Engineering next spring and I will get a
: statistic master degree in this summer also.
: Now, all I want is to get a job with annual salary greater than 5w. I do not
: start job hunting yet.
: I am good at Java, Matlab, R, JMP etc.
: Feel depressed with the PHD thing now.

发帖数: 200
Thanks for the responses.
I guess I will stick to this PHD thing until I get it. However, I do not
want to be a postdoc or a research engineer or a prof. I am just tired of
being in school.
If I get the same salary with PHD degree as with a master degree, why would
I suffer for 4-5 years from the PHD thing.


【在 D****1 的大作中提到】
: I plan to get my PHD in Aerospace Engineering next spring and I will get a
: statistic master degree in this summer also.
: Now, all I want is to get a job with annual salary greater than 5w. I do not
: start job hunting yet.
: I am good at Java, Matlab, R, JMP etc.
: Feel depressed with the PHD thing now.

发帖数: 10612
mostly likely you won't get the same salary.


【在 D****1 的大作中提到】
: Thanks for the responses.
: I guess I will stick to this PHD thing until I get it. However, I do not
: want to be a postdoc or a research engineer or a prof. I am just tired of
: being in school.
: If I get the same salary with PHD degree as with a master degree, why would
: I suffer for 4-5 years from the PHD thing.
: not

发帖数: 2174

If you do not want to do research-like work, you'd better not waste time on
a PhD.
This is the key why many people think PhD doesn't make sense. Actually, with
a PhD, the initial salary is probably higher than a master's but not
necessarily higher than a master with 3 yrs experience. So, if you do not
get into academia/research world, PhD may not be a good business.

【在 D****1 的大作中提到】
: Thanks for the responses.
: I guess I will stick to this PHD thing until I get it. However, I do not
: want to be a postdoc or a research engineer or a prof. I am just tired of
: being in school.
: If I get the same salary with PHD degree as with a master degree, why would
: I suffer for 4-5 years from the PHD thing.
: not

发帖数: 8077
in business, at least according to my personal experience, big boss (VP in a
non-financial company, so a real VP) appreciated a Ph.D in his group and a
Ph.D's analysis usually got no critics from other business lines as long as
they know you are a Ph.D, no matter good one or bad one, hehe.
In business, they don't care if you are a Math Ph.D or a Sociology Ph.D.
What matters is the three letter: "PHD"


【在 s*****n 的大作中提到】
: If you do not want to do research-like work, you'd better not waste time on
: a PhD.
: would
: This is the key why many people think PhD doesn't make sense. Actually, with
: a PhD, the initial salary is probably higher than a master's but not
: necessarily higher than a master with 3 yrs experience. So, if you do not
: get into academia/research world, PhD may not be a good business.

发帖数: 2174
This is true, but it is a different question. The real question here is: for
people who do not want to do research (this is the assumption), is PhD a
smart choice? Personally, I don't think so.
Starting work 3 years earlier, accumulating experiences and money earlier is
way more helpful in the career. After a few years work, leave for an MBA
program to enter management. This is probably an easier way to climb the
path. Instead of hoping the analysis are trusted by the VP, why not trying
to becom

【在 o****o 的大作中提到】
: depends
: in business, at least according to my personal experience, big boss (VP in a
: non-financial company, so a real VP) appreciated a Ph.D in his group and a
: Ph.D's analysis usually got no critics from other business lines as long as
: they know you are a Ph.D, no matter good one or bad one, hehe.
: In business, they don't care if you are a Math Ph.D or a Sociology Ph.D.
: What matters is the three letter: "PHD"
: on
: with

发帖数: 8077
you are right based on this assumption
what I said is for those who, by accident or other reasons, have to pursuit
a Ph.D degree. When you are 3~5 years behind your peers in business, you
gonna max out your competitive edge and I found american people somehow show
some respect to people having a Doctoral degree which we can take advantage


【在 s*****n 的大作中提到】
: This is true, but it is a different question. The real question here is: for
: people who do not want to do research (this is the assumption), is PhD a
: smart choice? Personally, I don't think so.
: Starting work 3 years earlier, accumulating experiences and money earlier is
: way more helpful in the career. After a few years work, leave for an MBA
: program to enter management. This is probably an easier way to climb the
: path. Instead of hoping the analysis are trusted by the VP, why not trying
: to becom

1 (共1页)
纽约地区哪个PHD program 容易读下来?问个概率小题
Statistician or Statistical Analystsalary expectation range
UT AUSTIN的 Statistics and scientific computation 的MS stat programone math/statistics problem
same frustration as : 刚工作3月,请教职业前景[合集] statistics VS accounting?
工作推荐: SAS Programmer[合集] 以想做咨询,该从哪个OFFER
If you are interested, please contact with the recruiter.转专业,计算机OR 统计?
A Statistical Consultant Opening in NY/NJ Area, to be fille (转载)JSM2009 收到一个面试通知,请教大家:
话题: phd话题: get话题: guess话题: degree话题: do