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Statistics版 - rpy installaion problem.
How to search all data files in a folder?发个弱贴 需要买书的筒子进 2个电子书网站
[合集] SAS question口头offer一周了,正是offer还没有下来,正常么?
proc import problem[合集] a small question on SAS data import
Help: Import ACCESS 2007 data from SAS9.2[合集] 问一个SAS 从excel import数据的问题
sas importing question请教SAS问题
[合集] how to combine ATE files using R两个有关于R的小问题?
Ask for help: Where can I download this book on the intern一个R的问题
survival data setSAS不能导入EXCEL2003的数据!
话题: rpy话题: program话题: files话题: do
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 10612
I tried to install rpy-1.0.3-R-2.7.0-win32-py2.5.exe
but after i do: from rpy import *
i got the following error message. I have searched online w/o luck. Anybody
here can help me? Thanks a lot.
in control panel, I have already set the path to R2.7.0. do i have to do
this somehow in python? thanks alot.
p.s. I have also tried:
import sys
sys.path.append('C:/Program Files/R/R-2.7.0/bin') and
sys.path.append("C:\\Program Files\\R\\R-2.7.0\\bin")
still got the same error message.
>>> from rpy impor
1 (共1页)
SAS不能导入EXCEL2003的数据!sas importing question
Import excel file to sas (the first 8 or more observations[合集] how to combine ATE files using R
import csv file 后data有问题Ask for help: Where can I download this book on the intern
Help:import excel file into sassurvival data set
How to search all data files in a folder?发个弱贴 需要买书的筒子进 2个电子书网站
[合集] SAS question口头offer一周了,正是offer还没有下来,正常么?
proc import problem[合集] a small question on SAS data import
Help: Import ACCESS 2007 data from SAS9.2[合集] 问一个SAS 从excel import数据的问题
话题: rpy话题: program话题: files话题: do