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Statistics版 - [合集] Re: Umich or Emory (Biostat PhD)
2010申请总结[合集] how about statistics in U of Chicago
[合集] Biostat学校选择求助 UNC UMich Emory[合集] Umich 和 Umn 的biostat MS的AD, 大家觉得那个好?
选校求助 Yale biostat ms and PSU stat PhD[合集] 求助offer 选择 stat@Umich vs biostat@JHU
Help in choosing offersstat申请
关于stat@Umich的一些问题,请指教,谢谢!offer比较 Stat@Wisc VS stat@NCSU VS Bios@Umich
[合集] umich biostat ms 拿奖学金的可能性有多大?[合集] [求指教]Biostat Ad选择:Umich/UNC/Brown?
[合集] biostat, UMich 还是 UNC?我这种情况,emory的生统,要不要去读?
[合集] umich的biostat怎么样啊?请大家帮忙选择 UNC AD vs. Emory offer
话题: umich话题: phd话题: biostat话题: emory话题: chinese
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 5352
jilyRonal (blue) 于 (Tue Mar 18 16:05:25 2008) 提到:
I have two offers to choose from. Any suggestions and thoughts would be
highly appreciated. I am at school now, so no Chinese input. Some of my
Umich: I know that their program is top 5, and the reputation of the
University is very good. Most of the PhD students will be RA from the
beginning year. The study is harder there, and the qualifying exam is
difficult. Ann Arbor is a very good small
1 (共1页)
请大家帮忙选择 UNC AD vs. Emory offer关于stat@Umich的一些问题,请指教,谢谢!
UNC VS Umich[合集] umich biostat ms 拿奖学金的可能性有多大?
[合集] offer比较 Stat@Wisc VS stat@NCSU VS Bios@Umich[合集] biostat, UMich 还是 UNC?
[合集] UNC VS Umich[合集] umich的biostat怎么样啊?
2010申请总结[合集] how about statistics in U of Chicago
[合集] Biostat学校选择求助 UNC UMich Emory[合集] Umich 和 Umn 的biostat MS的AD, 大家觉得那个好?
选校求助 Yale biostat ms and PSU stat PhD[合集] 求助offer 选择 stat@Umich vs biostat@JHU
Help in choosing offersstat申请
话题: umich话题: phd话题: biostat话题: emory话题: chinese