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Software版 - Re: 拨号上网时......
Re: 请教 rpcssWho tried groovytel or ipkall? (转载)
我的本本连无线超级慢,是啥设置问题么?郁闷! (转载)Failed to connect to a windows service?
Re: Windows Terminal Service一问Amex 送千刀 Gold Premier Card Match 75000 points bonus
Re: [转载] why Matlab uses 34MB memory even w/o running?a file sharing service with record?
请问如何找回gmail的密码啊?求推荐web hosting service
请问有没有记录windows service启动过程的软件Re: what u guys use to access TAR?
把Windows service pack 2 和3 给卸载掉有什么风险how to transfer rmvb to mp3
About web servicesAbout music software
话题: 拨号上网话题: services话题: software话题: your话题: phone
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 44
just pay your local phone company $4 per month, they
would provide your the software and services.... even
u get the software, it still not work without the
services from phone company.
发帖数: 150
Or tell all your friend to call 1800-xxxxx (The telephone number
of callwave.com) then they can leave message to you. This
way you don't need to pay $4 per month. But if they don't know
this way, their call can't be transfered to callwavwe.com's
telephone number automatically.

【在 k**t 的大作中提到】
: just pay your local phone company $4 per month, they
: would provide your the software and services.... even
: u get the software, it still not work without the
: services from phone company.
: www.callwave.com

1 (共1页)
About music software请问如何找回gmail的密码啊?
SKYPE file transfer请问有没有记录windows service启动过程的软件
how to transfer emule unfinished files?把Windows service pack 2 和3 给卸载掉有什么风险
还有人要用dropbox嘛?About web services
Re: 请教 rpcssWho tried groovytel or ipkall? (转载)
我的本本连无线超级慢,是啥设置问题么?郁闷! (转载)Failed to connect to a windows service?
Re: Windows Terminal Service一问Amex 送千刀 Gold Premier Card Match 75000 points bonus
Re: [转载] why Matlab uses 34MB memory even w/o running?a file sharing service with record?
话题: 拨号上网话题: services话题: software话题: your话题: phone