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Ski版 - Q:how to choose equipment?
请教什么时候买ski boot比较合算Nordica Superchargers de ski Boots 有人了解吗?
Now the Q comes for binder and ski今天大丰收
周末去LOCAL SKI SHOP,有何要准备/注意的?【推荐】如何挑选滑雪板
请教一下关于买ski boots的问题ski boots and skis买什么价位
去哪试ski boots?谈谈ski boots
Is it the right time for ski equipment deals now?boot的问题
想买ski boot, 为什么穿不进去呢雪板toe side turn 脚弓累的发疼怎么办
话题: equipment话题: choose话题: ski话题: what话题: boots
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 8493
how to buy boots?ski and binder.
I mean when u go to a shop
what criteria are u looking at those boots and ski
what's the facter.
How do u tell they r good or not so suit for u.
发帖数: 1397
your quesiton is like what those people asked me about assembling computers
for them: what kind computer shall I buy? How can I suppose to know what you
want? you got to tell me what your budget is, what you want to use your
computer for and how much you know about computer.
if you have no gear at all for now and just want to spend $300 to have some
fun with your own gear in this season, then just go to any ski shop and pick
up the least expensive set of everything. that's all. You do not have c

【在 m******s 的大作中提到】
: how to buy boots?ski and binder.
: I mean when u go to a shop
: what criteria are u looking at those boots and ski
: what's the facter.
: How do u tell they r good or not so suit for u.

发帖数: 23
Fit is the most important thing of buying a pair of boots. Usually the
associates in ski shops know better than those in some general sports store.
Try several shi shops. There are two reasons for doing so. First, you can tell
whether they do a good job of boot fitting or not, and how do they do it. And
the second reason is that different ski shops may carry different brand names.
Some brands tend to make wider boots and some tend to produce narrower ones.
Find the pair fit you best.
At the shi

【在 m******s 的大作中提到】
: how to buy boots?ski and binder.
: I mean when u go to a shop
: what criteria are u looking at those boots and ski
: what's the facter.
: How do u tell they r good or not so suit for u.

1 (共1页)
雪板toe side turn 脚弓累的发疼怎么办请问
【Ski版】郁闷的beginner beyond课程去哪试ski boots?
想在淡季购入一些装备Is it the right time for ski equipment deals now?
Let's discuss the new ski techniques想买ski boot, 为什么穿不进去呢
请教什么时候买ski boot比较合算Nordica Superchargers de ski Boots 有人了解吗?
Now the Q comes for binder and ski今天大丰收
周末去LOCAL SKI SHOP,有何要准备/注意的?【推荐】如何挑选滑雪板
请教一下关于买ski boots的问题ski boots and skis买什么价位
话题: equipment话题: choose话题: ski话题: what话题: boots