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Seattle版 - 本田胜选:弯曲老中老美觉醒 (转载)
请问做Cruise会晕船吗?烙印领袖摸底:图穷匕见,直指中国 (转载)
请问怎么买cruise比较划算?Facebook准实习生因曝光隐私漏洞被取消资格 (转载)
请教,老印manager要不得?哪里有indian grocery store么?
Strata+Hadoop NYC 2014 开会归来,总结+job information (转(转载)this makes me ..... to like Indian accent for the first time....
--------老外看中国:我们一周吃喝嫖赌,中国一周6天造宾馆,第Microsoft's Memo to its Indian Staff
烙印喜欢躲在中国后面扔泥巴 (转载)推荐一家印度餐馆
Peter Kuo 赢下初选 (转载)请教amazon选组
话题: indians话题: fiji话题: khanna话题: truth话题: my
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 18403
【 以下文字转载自 SanFrancisco 讨论区 】
发信人: onetiemyshoe (onetiemyshoe), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: 本田胜选:弯曲老中老美觉醒
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Nov 8 12:00:56 2014, 美东)
祝贺本田以4000票胜选! Peter Kuo
虽败尤荣! Barry Chang, Kansen Chu
华裔名誉的人。 2016年将又是一场恶战。 老中
请注意看comment. 老美IT工终于开始觉醒了。
Truth • 3 days ago
Well Ro Khanna was good candidate , No doubt. Why I did not vote for him? I
have seen unfair practices by Indians in Bay Area. They discriminate hiring
people under them in high tech companies. They only hire Indians and favor
Indians. Sorry that changed my mind.
Truth puckkanuck • 3 days ago
God knows it was not my intention to offend anyone neither my post had any
intentions of racism...I live in silicon valley and I hear a lot about this.
I personally like Khanna..I left home to vote him but changed my mind at
last minute because of the concerns I mentioned in my post. I am not sure
how it becomes racist post ,when it is what it is. Its an issue and felt
voting him might encourage more unfair job opportunists for his own people..
.My intentions instead is to bringing the awareness to the people that they
are being talked about and should stop unfair favors to their own people. In
a way I am doing a favor to them buy notifying them. Its the way one see it
...I guess.
Glaird Truth • 3 days ago
On the surface, I'm surprised that there are not a string of replies,
labeling you a racist.
In fact, your assertions can be quickly verified in the history of Caribbean
nations & Fiji, in particular. Plus, I have personally witness the above
behaviors while working in high tech for 35 years. In the case of these
nations, a traveler will note that the middle and upper economic classes are
occupied by Indians, primarily drawing their income from mercantile. As
here, family members gain entry, then sponsor more clan members. All the
while making inroads into the merchant class, displacing native populations.
Soon, the country's economic strata are the wealthy land estate owners, the
middle class merchants, and then everyone else squeezing out a living doing
menial work.
This is an historical pattern, repeated in country after country. In Fiji,
it got so bad, they had a revolution/coup because the Indian segment had
managed to totally displace all native Fijians from any position in gov't.
Now back to Honda's staff's direct response to my queries into the abuses in
the H1-B visa program and quotas, just after the dot-com bust. He stated; "
As a US citizen, in his district, I was not his constituent.".
注意: SJ mercury endorsed Khanna,对本田一直非常
mean. 但是读者们显然had enough of this. 写的
Fiji和caribean experience很有意思。
1 (共1页)
Indian wsn烙印喜欢躲在中国后面扔泥巴 (转载)
Lync server ?Peter Kuo 赢下初选 (转载)
请问做Cruise会晕船吗?烙印领袖摸底:图穷匕见,直指中国 (转载)
请问怎么买cruise比较划算?Facebook准实习生因曝光隐私漏洞被取消资格 (转载)
请教,老印manager要不得?哪里有indian grocery store么?
Strata+Hadoop NYC 2014 开会归来,总结+job information (转(转载)this makes me ..... to like Indian accent for the first time....
话题: indians话题: fiji话题: khanna话题: truth话题: my