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Seattle版 - Media: Liberal or Conservative? Friendly or Anti-Chinese (转载)
主流媒体和好莱坞实际上是一家人! (转载)星巴克要聘请1万木木的左逼CEO 4月3日将会被Kevin Johnson取代 (转载)
美国媒体的问题是少数人垄断大众媒体! (转载)急问现在去哪里看病好?
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Rudy Giuliani: Black lives matter is racist, anti-AmericanErich Gamma 加入微软
今晚的新电视影集还不错国会公开信狠狠地扇了Jimmy Kimmel和ABC,说这不是笑料 (转载)
Re: 美国民兵暴动 占领俄勒冈州一联邦政府办公楼 (转载)comcast byebye,centurylink 来了 98006 终于解放了
话题: china话题: liberal话题: anti话题: media话题: chinese
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【 以下文字转载自 SanFrancisco 讨论区 】
发信人: onetiemyshoe (onetiemyshoe), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: Media: Liberal or Conservative? Friendly or Anti-Chinese
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Nov 3 18:59:58 2013, 美东)
NBC: related to GE and microsoft. Seems somewhat neutral. We want to
keep them neutral and factual allies.
ABC: owned by Disney. Politically neutral-liberal. Normally seem neutral
to China. But in this case, their attempt to cater to the anti-Chinese
sentiment in the US backfired in the face of their effort to increase their
appeal in China market. Disney needs to attend to their core values. China
-US interests are not inherently opposed, but trying to do this kind of 2-
faced trickery really is superhuman or subhuman, whichever you prefer.
News Corp: owned by Murdoch, who also owns fox and wall street journal.
political right. Courting China in the past, but recently exited the China
CBS: somewhat liberal related to viacom.
CNN: liberal. Pro-Union. Has an anti-China bias that blames China for
everything that they could get away with. The Union workers were fed
whatever lines that help them rationalize their lives. But our job is to
look for common interest and tolerating differences.
Washington Post: owned by amazon founder. Politically liberal. Not
inherently anti-China.
NPR: owned by public. tends to be rational and neutral. good place to
donate to and support local communities and media.
Journalists are supposed to speak truth to power. But this is reality boys
and girls. They will try to do whatever they could to guard their own core
interests, including twisting your words, hiding information from the
general public, be condescending and humiliating. So talk to the media with
some caution, silence or asking questions are the best way to deflect
sensitive questions.
Three rules in life:
1. It's way better to make friends than make enemies.
2. Our job in life is to convert enemies into friends, and keep our friends
friends. Appreciate our friends and accept sincere offer of peace by
our enemies.
3. Better to learn from others than talking. Ask questions if challenged.
Be calm and rational.
1 (共1页)
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为每一位被裁和担心被裁的人祝福Re: 美国民兵暴动 占领俄勒冈州一联邦政府办公楼 (转载)
主流媒体和好莱坞实际上是一家人! (转载)星巴克要聘请1万木木的左逼CEO 4月3日将会被Kevin Johnson取代 (转载)
美国媒体的问题是少数人垄断大众媒体! (转载)急问现在去哪里看病好?
卖全新Serta queen size 床垫下的 box spring加拿大公民贴很重要
Rudy Giuliani: Black lives matter is racist, anti-AmericanErich Gamma 加入微软
话题: china话题: liberal话题: anti话题: media话题: chinese