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Seattle版 - The Two Faced Disney: Stop Manipulation (转载)
Romney大肆放送攻击中国的广告 在美华人形象受损 (转载)好多媒体报道了白宫签名到10万的新闻的消息啊
美国top5%的资产是剩下95%的总和Some Positive Slogans For Tomorrow's Rally (转载)
On Trolling the Living Hell out of Mainland Chinese in Real (转载)令人神往的MIT (转载)
一个自称加州的老大妈整天晃西雅图版中美无战事是华裔的核心利益 (转载)
slogans for Friday's rally (转载)【工作机会】前端开发Sr. Web UI Software Engineer/Lead
明天的活动至少会有一家主流媒体前来报道为了王立山医生, 发包子
Amazon 资深designer熬夜制作的posterlamb和goat
游行口号标语总结 (转载)黑客事件诬赖中国:表当老美人民是傻瓜 (转载)
话题: disney话题: chinese话题: faced话题: stop
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 18403
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: onetiemyshoe (onetiemyshoe), 信区: Military
标 题: The Two Faced Disney: Stop Manipulation
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Nov 3 09:09:51 2013, 美东)
Disney is going to release Iron-man-3 in China with additional Chinese
That is great. But Disney, you need to make up your mind! Manipulating US
Audience to fear and to scapegoat China and to laugh at Chinese's life and
dignity, then manipulating the Chinese audience to think that you actually
care about them.
Release 1 version from now on. Add the positive Chinese or Chinese-American
or Asian-American Rolemodels. And dare to be yourself.
Disney-ABC: you are a great company, but you need to rethink your core
values, whether it is integrity, human dignity or protection of children.
If your core value is to imagine that you could get away with this two-faced
trickery, then you will not last.
Chinese Americans, please say thank you to the people who spoke for us,
Congressmen Chu, Honda, Meng and other elected officials, help them get out
the votes at your rallies and your organization:
Otherways to boycott Disney also included.
1 (共1页)
黑客事件诬赖中国:表当老美人民是傻瓜 (转载)slogans for Friday's rally (转载)
NYpost上目前为止最揭示事实的文章,Biased DA, city scapegoat the Asian-American community明天的活动至少会有一家主流媒体前来报道
ICE要派人扫荡sanctuary cities (转载)Amazon 资深designer熬夜制作的poster
微软拟关Bing Cashback服务 现金回馈模式失败游行口号标语总结 (转载)
Romney大肆放送攻击中国的广告 在美华人形象受损 (转载)好多媒体报道了白宫签名到10万的新闻的消息啊
美国top5%的资产是剩下95%的总和Some Positive Slogans For Tomorrow's Rally (转载)
On Trolling the Living Hell out of Mainland Chinese in Real (转载)令人神往的MIT (转载)
一个自称加州的老大妈整天晃西雅图版中美无战事是华裔的核心利益 (转载)
话题: disney话题: chinese话题: faced话题: stop