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Seattle版 - Re: 约会谁付钱这个问题上看出的是家教 (转载)
约会谁付钱这个问题上看出的是家教 (转载)有没有住在olympia的中文老师呀?
Obama proposes cuts to Social SecurityBellevue杨老师珠算心算家教秋季招生
Gym Etiquette帮朋友小孩找英文写作家教
下单Amazon Echo我在刘艳那里refinance的经历
本周三沙排继续进行美国的怪逻辑 军队不要,国会非要给
谢谢Lancy MM ! 包子饕餮之 :D找本地华人大学生家教
请教:暑期是否可以雇孩子现在kindergarten老师当家教 谢谢话说这个“★【专贴】租房/保姆/家政/家教”的帖子
哭了,巴马要给30万加税 (转载)【征求意见】关于 “租房/保姆/家政/家教” 专贴
话题: she话题: chinese话题: american话题: when
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1861
【 以下文字转载自 Piebridge 讨论区 】
发信人: Galleon (盖伦), 信区: Piebridge
标 题: Re: 约会谁付钱这个问题上看出的是家教
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun May 1 00:06:21 2011, 美东)
When I was going out with my gf who's white in the beginning, she only let me pay for the first date. After that she always insisted that we split the bill. And when she invited me to certain events that she was interested, she would even buy the tickets for both of us ahead of time.
She was from a normal middle class American family. So I wouldn't say she's rich. All her spending money came from her part time job.
Later on when we got much closer, we would pay for things as anyone wished and stopped keeping track of who pays.
I think American girls in general know what being independent mean better than Chinese girls. They at least try their best to be an independent and respectable person. A lot of Chinese girls on the other hand just want to
enjoy all the good side of "being independent" yet don't want to take any
1 (共1页)
【征求意见】关于 “租房/保姆/家政/家教” 专贴本周三沙排继续进行
打算请中文家教,一个小时一般给多少钱? (转载)谢谢Lancy MM ! 包子饕餮之 :D
寻英文家教及专车接送请教:暑期是否可以雇孩子现在kindergarten老师当家教 谢谢
求推荐写作的家教哭了,巴马要给30万加税 (转载)
约会谁付钱这个问题上看出的是家教 (转载)有没有住在olympia的中文老师呀?
Obama proposes cuts to Social SecurityBellevue杨老师珠算心算家教秋季招生
Gym Etiquette帮朋友小孩找英文写作家教
下单Amazon Echo我在刘艳那里refinance的经历
话题: she话题: chinese话题: american话题: when