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Seattle版 - How to Optimize your Conversion Rate without bothering your Tech Team
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话题: ing话题: your话题: tech话题: team话题: cro
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发帖数: 755
How to Optimize your Conversion Rate without bothering your Tech Team
Danny Wong
Con ver sion rate opti miza tion (CRO) is the hot new thing because of the
poten tial it has to dou ble your rev enue
with out dou bling your costs, which also allows you to increase your mar
ket ing bud gets and makes mar ket ing your
busi ness more prof itable.
Most com pa nies neglect CRO though, not because they don’t think it’s
impor tant, but because their tech team is pre
oc cu pied with many, many other things. Build ing great prod ucts and soft
ware as well as main tain ing them cer tain
ly isn’t an easy job.
First, let’s focus on a few rules on what to test for CRO and how to test:
1. Define the chal lenge (more sales of A, more newslet ter sub scrip tions,
more vis i tors fun nel ing to the next page)
and the web page to test
2. List poten tial rea sons for your low con ver sion, prob lem areas on the
web page
Think about what’s essen tial to the web page and what could be removed
Get some users and sur vey them on where the fric tion is. Ask them ques
tions like “What would you change on this
Use tools like CrazyEgg to get heat maps that show where peo ple are click
ing and where their atten tion is drawn
3. Con sid er alter na tives for the prob lem areas on the web page
4. Cre ate and edit images and but tons, change up text (maybe even size and
font), rearrange things, or cre ate new
pages entire ly
5. Don’t get too crazy with all the data and feed back. Go ahead and start
test ing with just a few vari a tions, see
what’s work ing and opti mize some more
When you’re ready to exe cute on CRO, you can do A/B test ing and cre ate
your own land-ing pages with out both er
ing your already busy, prob a bly fre quent ly annoyed-with-you, tech team.
A/B Test ing
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any frontier fios deal?糖星有句话:外国人能把我屁眼操出血来,你行吗? (转载)
有用隐性眼镜药水(Opti-Free)的吗?Project Natal看起来很有前途阿
话题: ing话题: your话题: tech话题: team话题: cro