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Seattle版 - Seattle Times: 让大麻合法化
Anyone plans to go for marijuana now家住Redmond Ridge周边的筒子们注意了!No Weeds in Redmond Ridge
Obama on pot laws: 'We've got bigger fish to fry'Please Consider Signing the Petition Against the Marijuana Store in Factoria 阻止大麻店开到Factoria
Happy Leap Day!昨天左派在白宫门口公开聚众吸毒 (转载)
分析称Windows Phone 7决定微软未来命运Marijuana retailer approved for Factoria neighborhood in Bellevue
戏班单身的判别川总反对娱乐用大麻,支持合法化医疗用大麻 (转载)
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还是没搞懂, 俺能不能有一棵大麻植物种着玩?得罪中介抢生意后果很严重
话题: marijuana话题: decision话题: seattle话题: leap话题: washington
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 20
MARIJUANA should be legalized, regulated and taxed. The push to repeal
federal prohibition should come from the states, and it should begin with
the state of Washington.
In 1998, Washington was one of the earliest to vote for medical marijuana.
It was a leap of faith, and the right decision. In 2003, Seattle was one of
the first places in America to vote to make simple marijuana possession the
lowest police priority. That, too, was a leap of faith, and the right
decision. A year ago, City Attorney Pete Holmes stopped all prosecutions for
simple possession: the right decision.
It is time for the next step. It is a leap, yes — but not such a big one,
Still, it is not an easy decision. We have known children who changed from
brilliant students to slackers by smoking marijuana at a young age. We have
also known of many users who have gone on to have responsible and successful
lives. One of them is president of the United States.
Like alcohol, most people can handle marijuana. Some can't.
There is a deep urge among parents to say: "No. Don't allow it. We don't
want it." We understand the feeling. We have felt it ourselves. Certainly
the life of a parent would be easier if everyone had no choice but to be
straight and sober all the time. But an intoxicant-free world is not the one
we have, nor is it the one most adults want.
Marijuana is available now. If your child doesn't smoke it, maybe it is
because your parenting works. But prohibition has not worked.
发帖数: 365
1 (共1页)
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这个开车撞死人的小留2百万刀保释, 真他妈的有钱 (转载)还是没搞懂, 俺能不能有一棵大麻植物种着玩?
Anyone plans to go for marijuana now家住Redmond Ridge周边的筒子们注意了!No Weeds in Redmond Ridge
Obama on pot laws: 'We've got bigger fish to fry'Please Consider Signing the Petition Against the Marijuana Store in Factoria 阻止大麻店开到Factoria
Happy Leap Day!昨天左派在白宫门口公开聚众吸毒 (转载)
分析称Windows Phone 7决定微软未来命运Marijuana retailer approved for Factoria neighborhood in Bellevue
话题: marijuana话题: decision话题: seattle话题: leap话题: washington