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Seattle版 - EWEEK, Why SB needs to go
Bob Muglia is leaving companyWindows phone 7就差了一样:时机。
原来保罗-艾伦对比尔-盖茨有很大意见啊 (转载)螺丝钉们其实骂也只敢背后骂
Employee Phone Program的条款改了?两天来的感想
Android轻松击败Windows Phone 7的十大原因WP7S的同学们加油!
话题: sb话题: wp7话题: windows话题: tablet话题: ms
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1463
发帖数: 1746
It doesn't matter what other people have to say.
It is all in the hands of BillG.

【在 k*****a 的大作中提到】
: http://www.eweek.com/c/a/Enterprise-Applications/Steve-Ballmers
发帖数: 2865
I don't think SteveB is doing a good job... but you wanna convince us by a
Don Reisinger article? =)
发帖数: 564
不认识 Don Reisinger,但他说的十个事实里有九个没有错啊? 我唯一不认同的是最
后一条“SB 是个software guy”。 In my opinion 他根本就不属于高科技行业,甭管

【在 S******4 的大作中提到】
: I don't think SteveB is doing a good job... but you wanna convince us by a
: Don Reisinger article? =)

发帖数: 1453
From any common sense that peole have, MS did too slow and too little to
respond to the emerging tablet market.
If you were SB, how would you do?
1. Repackage WP7 on tablet, follow the path that Apple has led and Google
has followed.
Pros: Short delivery time, get into the market ASAP
cons.: WP7 is still V1 and has little presence in market.
Polictics fight inside the company
2. Wait for Win8, with full Windows running on ARM.
Pros: Reuse Windows ecosystem asset. It's not binary compatible, but at
least it provides the full set of Win32 API, no compromise.
Cons: Another year to wait, which puts the company on grill.
I guess Snofsky convinced SB to pick path 2. He might tell SB that nobody,
including Apple could deliver one OS for both desktop and tablet. With full
Windows on ARM,it gives MS more muscle to fight with Apple and Google in the
long run. Plus as politics is #1 at MS, it's more pratical to speed up WIN8
deveopment rather than fork a new project to work on tablet. SB knew that.
发帖数: 2865
This is true, it's not as black and white as those dumb Analysts and folks
make out to be.
If they decide to do tablets on WP7, the earliest possible ship date will be
the end of this year (that's assuming they didn't take some horrible hack
that makes WP7 not work on tablets).
If the ship it end of 2011, they will still come up against daunting foes of
iPad and Android 3.0, and it's expected that they will not be able to get
any significant market share (maybe around 5%) no matter how good it is -
same thing is happening with WP7.
Sinofsky probably convinced SteveB that the risk of waiting for Windows 8 is
no greater than WP7. And he is correct IMHO, though Windows 8 could just
suck as much on tablets, then we will be doomed.
So this is really loss-loss situation here. And there is really no guarantee
that either strategy would work at all.
SteveB and all the execs need to look in the mirror and slap themselves on
not seeing this coming. Looks like they didn't really react to this since a
couple of months ago after iPad already shipped. How can they be that stupid
? They should have done something and start talking to Intel the moment iPad
is rumoured to be in development.

【在 c****e 的大作中提到】
: From any common sense that peole have, MS did too slow and too little to
: respond to the emerging tablet market.
: If you were SB, how would you do?
: 1. Repackage WP7 on tablet, follow the path that Apple has led and Google
: has followed.
: Pros: Short delivery time, get into the market ASAP
: cons.: WP7 is still V1 and has little presence in market.
: Polictics fight inside the company
: 2. Wait for Win8, with full Windows running on ARM.
: Pros: Reuse Windows ecosystem asset. It's not binary compatible, but at

发帖数: 12906
guys..windows 8 has a significant portion of attention on tablet. That's for
sure. They have ARM in mind on every related area.
The only problem is, win8 will be too late.
it's true that we can't have a great product on tablet now. But nobody
expects us to take 50% of the market share. now the tactical role of MS in
the tablet market should be a "搅屎棍". let people see its presence and
willingness in there. it's ok for V1 to suck. just don't let others take the
marketshare so easily.
发帖数: 1453
They are celebrating for netbook market at that time. SB new the Pad/Slate
could be big since Apple earned the credit from IPhone. That's why he put HP
slate on PDC 2009. The problem is he has nothing but windows 7 on hand to
deliver. It's a slow company in its middle age, what do you expect:)


【在 S******4 的大作中提到】
: This is true, it's not as black and white as those dumb Analysts and folks
: make out to be.
: If they decide to do tablets on WP7, the earliest possible ship date will be
: the end of this year (that's assuming they didn't take some horrible hack
: that makes WP7 not work on tablets).
: If the ship it end of 2011, they will still come up against daunting foes of
: iPad and Android 3.0, and it's expected that they will not be able to get
: any significant market share (maybe around 5%) no matter how good it is -
: same thing is happening with WP7.
: Sinofsky probably convinced SteveB that the risk of waiting for Windows 8 is

1 (共1页)
WP7S的同学们加油!原来保罗-艾伦对比尔-盖茨有很大意见啊 (转载)
Yet Another MSFT post --- July, July, July...Employee Phone Program的条款改了?
你全家都用保险,就是在剀微软其他单身员工的油。Android轻松击败Windows Phone 7的十大原因
Bob Muglia is leaving companyWindows phone 7就差了一样:时机。
话题: sb话题: wp7话题: windows话题: tablet话题: ms