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Science版 - Really a surprise about MgB_2?
is it a joke or a surprise? MgB_2 is a high temperature superconductor!!two interesting stories over the long weekend
Re: is it a joke or a surprise? MgB_2 is a high temperature superconduQuantum information processing and transport.
Re: RE: is it a joke or a surprise? MgB_2 is a high temperature superconductor!!急问,关于光电测试方面的仪器有哪些?
help on the paper please 有 人 会 设 计 透 镜 吗?
Re: why do magnets always have two poles?Re: 1/f noise
TO: QXC什么是 Polaritons?
Re: 实验室里的magnatic field能多大求助,这样的问题怎么处理 (转载)
Re: 关于介电系数的问题C.N.YANG与李小龙: Gauge的基本哲学思想
话题: coupling话题: really话题: mgb话题: about话题: coherent
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 72
I don't quite see why this magnesium diboride is so
exciting. Its structure must be very simple and there might
be no anisotropic structure along different directions and
its coupling might be still s-wave coupling. BCS's
prediction about Tc is based on the attraction due to the
phonon exchange and the coherent length is about 100nm. And
hence reduce the probability of obtaining HTc
superconductors as the temperature gets high enough and put
the coherent coupling to the edge.
I believe there mig
1 (共1页)
C.N.YANG与李小龙: Gauge的基本哲学思想Re: why do magnets always have two poles?
转帖]中科大再发物理《Nature》 (转载)TO: QXC
toplogical insulator 会成为下一个graphene吗?Re: 实验室里的magnatic field能多大
中国风能业的关键技术是由美国超导公司提供的Re: 关于介电系数的问题
is it a joke or a surprise? MgB_2 is a high temperature superconductor!!two interesting stories over the long weekend
Re: is it a joke or a surprise? MgB_2 is a high temperature superconduQuantum information processing and transport.
Re: RE: is it a joke or a surprise? MgB_2 is a high temperature superconductor!!急问,关于光电测试方面的仪器有哪些?
help on the paper please 有 人 会 设 计 透 镜 吗?
话题: coupling话题: really话题: mgb话题: about话题: coherent