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Science版 - Re: 实验室里的magnatic field能多大
Re: nanophase superconducting.Re: RE: is it a joke or a surprise? MgB_2 is a high temperature superconductor!!
Re: 第一次挖坑Re: 关于介电系数的问题
超导超大型加速器找到了P. W. Anderson反对美国超导超级对撞机的文章
Re: why do magnets always have two poles?长期求审稿机会-Materials Science/Superconductivity/Physics
TO: QXC长期求审稿机会-Materials Science/Superconductivity/Physics
is it a joke or a surprise? MgB_2 is a high temperature superconductor!!3D建模问题 coil end复杂弧形建模
Re: is it a joke or a surprise? MgB_2 is a high temperature supercondu中国风能业的关键技术是由美国超导公司提供的
Really a surprise about MgB_2?超导难道又要热了?
话题: field话题: sta话题: magnatic话题: research
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 199
No. The condensed material in such a field will explode.
The National Research Institute for Metals (NRIM) of the
Science and Technology Agency (STA) succeeded in generating
the world's highest magnetic field of 23.42T (teslas) in a
superconducting magnet by using oxide superconductor insert
coils. This result was achieved by using a bismuth-system
superconducting wire discovered in the multi-core research
project on superconductivity.
(Source:STA TODAY July 1999)
"The strongest, sustained magn
1 (共1页)
超导难道又要热了?TO: QXC
感觉上,高分子科学..is it a joke or a surprise? MgB_2 is a high temperature superconductor!!
CheckEngine灯亮了,去查了code,求帮助,包子谢Re: is it a joke or a surprise? MgB_2 is a high temperature supercondu
高人帮忙看看我是不是被黑了Really a surprise about MgB_2?
Re: nanophase superconducting.Re: RE: is it a joke or a surprise? MgB_2 is a high temperature superconductor!!
Re: 第一次挖坑Re: 关于介电系数的问题
超导超大型加速器找到了P. W. Anderson反对美国超导超级对撞机的文章
Re: why do magnets always have two poles?长期求审稿机会-Materials Science/Superconductivity/Physics
话题: field话题: sta话题: magnatic话题: research