

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Science版 - Optics Letters,24, p. 25-27(1999)
from Wang et. al.Re: [转载] 《自然》杂志发表普大科学家新发现 光速可超已知宇宙速度
My commens on the Superluminal ... paperRe: 请教光子晶体
quantum and speed of lightRe: 据说光子技术将是下一个世纪的主导,是吗?
APS explaination about recent "superluminal light" experiment[转载] Speed of Gravity Measured for First Time
Re: APS article about recent "superluminal light" experimentRe: Ronchi--关于光学实验的一个名词请教
Re: helpRe: 请教统计光学一道题
Re: 关于冰激淋A very good introduction to photonics crystal
欧真是不明白--请大家讨论一下巴。什么是 Polaritons?
话题: terahertz话题: observed话题: metal话题: letters
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 911
Superluminal terahertz pulses
Klaas Wynne and Dino A. Jaroszynski
In femtosecond terahertz-pulse (T-ray) imaging of metal structures with
dimensions of the order of the wavelength, it is observed that the T rays
propagate faster than the vacuum speed of light. In the case of apertures
this can be understood as a waveguide effect in which superluminal velocities
are expected close to the cutoff frequency. However, the effect is also
observed close to knife edges and in propagation past thin metal
1 (共1页)
什么是 Polaritons?Re: APS article about recent "superluminal light" experiment
Postdoc opening at UCSD ECE departmentRe: help
Ph.D. student position is available in Fall 2009Re: 关于冰激淋
paper help欧真是不明白--请大家讨论一下巴。
from Wang et. al.Re: [转载] 《自然》杂志发表普大科学家新发现 光速可超已知宇宙速度
My commens on the Superluminal ... paperRe: 请教光子晶体
quantum and speed of lightRe: 据说光子技术将是下一个世纪的主导,是吗?
APS explaination about recent "superluminal light" experiment[转载] Speed of Gravity Measured for First Time
话题: terahertz话题: observed话题: metal话题: letters