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Science版 - Re: 请问石油醚用英语怎么说.
Quantum impurity problems and nano-contact, etc.How to taint the sample for TEM
Re: help!!TEM 染色问题
Re: critical point of a binary LJ mixtureScala用好的关键是如何解决impurity的问题
PHD graduate student openings in Materials Science请教一个制药过程中金属分析的问题
审稿大国之间应该考虑充分dissolve Japan and Isarel 的方案
疮哒哒要和我鳖决一死战Urgent help - how to dissolve tamoxifen for mouse injection?
Petroleum Refining Catalysis Papers Help大牛們評判一下這個
长期存储的Na 乙醚混合物该怎么处理?谢谢了。Review opportunity. Journal: Corrosion Science
话题: ether话题: petroleum话题: 石油醚话题: mixture话题: am
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 584

Petroleum Ether. I am not sure of the spelling. That is nothing but
mixture of hydrocarbon. They are labeled by boing points.
I will never try to put them in my mouth.//hehe
发帖数: 584

1st: Most of them are not "clean" enough, they may have some poisonus
impurity, I don't know if there are some kinds using for food product.
2nd: Even they are clean, they are mixture of decane, dodecane...I am not
sure, they are not good for health, although not poisonous. At least they
will dissolve the fat. However they are easy to be evaporated.
you can check the CRC safty handbook about petroleum ether.
发帖数: 584

I think so.
You can try it. I remember we use cyclohexane or absolute alcohol to
dissolve the fat for bio sample using for TEM.
发帖数: 419

a little bit,not very.
more expensive than petroleum ether(shi You mi)
-mixed alkanes from SHI YOU
,but still not expensive bah.
you can find its industry price.
I am not very clear here.
if in china ,I know how to search.:)

【在 c****u 的大作中提到】
: I think so.
: You can try it. I remember we use cyclohexane or absolute alcohol to
: dissolve the fat for bio sample using for TEM.

发帖数: 419
in china,there are three kinds of petroleum ether:
30-60 OC
their boiling point is not the same lah.
But as we know they are mixtures so they are not pure.
Generally when we use it we need to distill it.
They may contaim some aromatic compounds such as benzene etc.
Generally they are very easy to evaprate especially the first two kings.
sometimes people prefer the hexane or cyclohexane for these two solvents have
similiar characters as PE but they are more pure.
Alcohol is more pola

【在 c****u 的大作中提到】
: I think so.
: You can try it. I remember we use cyclohexane or absolute alcohol to
: dissolve the fat for bio sample using for TEM.

1 (共1页)
Review opportunity. Journal: Corrosion Science审稿
求问版上懂化学的这边Cyclohexane solvent可以用到胶皮上么?疮哒哒要和我鳖决一死战
paper help, pleasePetroleum Refining Catalysis Papers Help
Questions长期存储的Na 乙醚混合物该怎么处理?谢谢了。
Quantum impurity problems and nano-contact, etc.How to taint the sample for TEM
Re: help!!TEM 染色问题
Re: critical point of a binary LJ mixtureScala用好的关键是如何解决impurity的问题
PHD graduate student openings in Materials Science请教一个制药过程中金属分析的问题
话题: ether话题: petroleum话题: 石油醚话题: mixture话题: am