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Science版 - Re: why do magnets always have two poles?
这个貌似简单点:STORAGE RING (转载)求 三篇文章 已经给出了url
help in Magnetism请问哪里可以买到10ppm以内的小型的permanent magnet(~0.5T)
Re: 请问:磁偏角What is the shortest non-zero lenght, L, of a magnetic quad (转载)
A question about spin (physics problem)Re: series convergence
Re: 请问目前磁学方面最牛的人有哪些?TO: QXC
Re: 最初级的量子力学问题一问,答复!Re: 实验室里的magnatic field能多大
Re: 什么叫 magnetic dichorism?is it a joke or a surprise? MgB_2 is a high temperature superconductor!!
Re: 请教: magnetic field of the earthRe: is it a joke or a surprise? MgB_2 is a high temperature supercondu
话题: divergance话题: field话题: magnets话题: magnetic话题: always
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 67

Not yet found any evidence for a magnetic monopole, which means
the divergance of the B field is always zero. Or you say since
the divergance of B is zero, you cannot get single N or S.
It's electric field in another frame(SR)
You can shield magnetic field with ordinary ferromagnetic material
or Superconductors
1 (共1页)
Re: is it a joke or a surprise? MgB_2 is a high temperature superconduRe: 请问目前磁学方面最牛的人有哪些?
Really a surprise about MgB_2?Re: 最初级的量子力学问题一问,答复!
Re: RE: is it a joke or a surprise? MgB_2 is a high temperature superconductor!!Re: 什么叫 magnetic dichorism?
Re: 关于介电系数的问题Re: 请教: magnetic field of the earth
这个貌似简单点:STORAGE RING (转载)求 三篇文章 已经给出了url
help in Magnetism请问哪里可以买到10ppm以内的小型的permanent magnet(~0.5T)
Re: 请问:磁偏角What is the shortest non-zero lenght, L, of a magnetic quad (转载)
A question about spin (physics problem)Re: series convergence
话题: divergance话题: field话题: magnets话题: magnetic话题: always