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SciFiction版 - Foundation and Earth 17
Foundation and Earth 2-1 Foundation and Earth 24
Foundation and Earth 2-2 Foundation and Earth 25
Foundation and Earth 3-1 Foundation and Earth 29
Foundation and Earth 13 Foundation and Earth 22
Foundation and Earth 14 Foundation and Earth 2-3
Foundation and Earth 15Foundation and Earth 2-4
Foundation and Earth 16 Foundation and Earth 3-2
Foundation and Earth 23 Foundation and Earth 19
话题: earth话题: foundation话题: hyperdrama话题: 17话题: set
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 321
发信人: slli (老良), 信区: SFworld
标 题: Foundation and Earth 17
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Mon Aug 9 12:12:14 1999)
Foundation and Earth
Part Two
Chapter 5
Struggle for the ship
Trevize's first impression was that he was on the set of a hyperdrama ----
specifically, that of a historical romance of Imperial days. There was a
particular set, with few variations (perhaps only one existed and was used by
every hyperdrama producer,
for all he knew), that represented the great world-girding planet-cit
1 (共1页)
Foundation and Earth 19 Foundation and Earth 14
Foundation and Earth 27 Foundation and Earth 15
Foundation and Earth 28 Foundation and Earth 16
Foundation and Earth 30 Foundation and Earth 23
Foundation and Earth 2-1 Foundation and Earth 24
Foundation and Earth 2-2 Foundation and Earth 25
Foundation and Earth 3-1 Foundation and Earth 29
Foundation and Earth 13 Foundation and Earth 22
话题: earth话题: foundation话题: hyperdrama话题: 17话题: set