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SanFrancisco版 - FB小扎的黑色恐怖也搞得风生水起呢! (转载)
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犹太人当初是怎么胜利的?Re: 100,000 Humorless Goons Signed petition
1986诺贝尔和平奖 Elie Wiesel's Acceptance Speech建议签了名的“humorless goons”去dailycaller的文章留言反击
纽约时报的反AA时评:Is Harvard Unfair to Asian-Americans?local新闻报的,ktvu channel 2 news
Facebook总部挂旗支持Black Lives Matter (转载)Breitbart: $10,000 If You Can Prove N-Word Hurled at Rep. Lewis
Rudy Giuliani: "Black lives matter" is racist, anti-America (转载)Any one said tea party is racist party
一个穆斯林少年在入学申请上写满black lives matter (转载)breitbart悬赏$10000,只要你能坐实tea party racial slur.
轻松愉快点! 外面下雨,在家里看电影的感觉真棒!丧心病狂的NYC左逼市长开始向charter school 下手了 (转载)
话题: matter话题: lives话题: black话题: facebook话题: travers
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 7021
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: gemini2012 (双子AB), 信区: USANews
标 题: FB小扎的黑色恐怖也搞得风生水起呢!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Aug 8 10:33:17 2016, 美东)
by Ben Kew5 Aug 2016
Robbie Travers, a British political commentator from the Gatestone Institute
, has had his Facebook account temporarily blocked after he posted a
criticism of Black Lives Matter.
Travers, who has a Facebook following of nearly 7,000 people, wrote in a
post that although he believed Black Lives Matter had been founded with “
good intentions,” it had now become a “supremacist organisation.”
You can call for death to whites on @facebook, but I cannot criticise
Black Lives Matter & their anti-semitism. pic.twitter.com/8121GdiCX4
Video: Facebook News Feeds: Algorithms, Humans Work Together
— Robbie Travers (@RobbieTravers) August 5, 2016
In a matter of hours, the post had been taken down for “violating Facebook
’s community standards.”
How is it racist to criticise a movement that attacks Jews and uses
deeply disturbed language to refer to whites? https://t.co/VDqSXxVO6q
— Robbie Travers (@RobbieTravers) August 5, 2016
In a statement to Breitbart News, Travers said: “I think there is certainly
a worrying inconsistency, pages which have beheadings, anti-Semitic content
and pro-jihadist content are rarely shut down, Facebook needs to address
this, and preferably, only remove posts that encourage an individual
directly to commit violence.”
However, Facebook’s support for Black Lives Matter is not something new.
CEO and founder Mark Zuckerberg chastised employees in February for
replacing the phrase “Black Lives Matter” on chalkboard walls with “All
Lives Matter.” A former employee told reporters in May that the company had
been suppressing conservative outlets such as Breitbart whilst artificially
promoting stories about Black Lives Matter. Last month, the company put a
massive “Black Lives Matter” banner on display at its headquarters.
You can follow Ben Kew on Facebook, on Twitter at @ben_kew, or email him at
[email protected]/* */
1 (共1页)
丧心病狂的NYC左逼市长开始向charter school 下手了 (转载)Facebook总部挂旗支持Black Lives Matter (转载)
主流媒体对PK越来越友好了Rudy Giuliani: "Black lives matter" is racist, anti-America (转载)
月子中心涉嫌移民欺诈的客户中有中国政府雇员 (转载)一个穆斯林少年在入学申请上写满black lives matter (转载)
硅谷97%的人支持拉里 (转载) 轻松愉快点! 外面下雨,在家里看电影的感觉真棒!
Amazon的辱华漫画居然还在Cupertino 大华边上的美发厅都搬走了吗?
犹太人当初是怎么胜利的?Re: 100,000 Humorless Goons Signed petition
1986诺贝尔和平奖 Elie Wiesel's Acceptance Speech建议签了名的“humorless goons”去dailycaller的文章留言反击
纽约时报的反AA时评:Is Harvard Unfair to Asian-Americans?local新闻报的,ktvu channel 2 news
话题: matter话题: lives话题: black话题: facebook话题: travers