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SanFrancisco版 - 加州大学出台各种规定限制言论自由 (转载)
Recognizing the heroes in the fight against SCA5Jobs and Schmidt having coffee
为什么亚裔远离了共和党? (转载)奥巴马是地下共产党员
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加州大学在非法移民上要跟床铺死磕了 (转载)在Expedia上订的8月初从纽约到三藩的票现在不用了,有什么办法能要回来一点钱么?
话题: university话题: california话题: where话题: meron
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【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: lczlcz (lcz), 信区: USANews
标 题: 加州大学出台各种规定限制言论自由
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jun 14 15:36:10 2015, 美东)
University of California Imposes Codes: Can’t Say “America is the Land of
Michael Becker June 14, 2015
A University used to be the place a young person would go to be challenged.
To be exposed to a wide range of ideas, to learn to think, to analyze
information, and to be able to form and defend opinions. It’s also a place
where a young person learns the foundational information necessary to pursue
a career. “Used to be” is the key part of this paragraph, especially at
the University of California.
Universities are under attack from the far left, primarily feminist
movements, all across the nation. “Rape culture” has been the forefront
where, as at the University of Virginia, a woman can create a story about a
gang rape out of whole cloth and the administration does not refer the
criminal matter to police, they refer it administrative star chambers where
4th Amendment rights are waived.
Students are filing charges against their instructors for talking about
things that upset them. At many schools instructors are required to list “
trigger warnings” about an increasing variety of things that upset the
little snowflakes in their classes.
Janet Napolitano, the President of the University of California is taking
this to the next step. Speech codes. These codes are aimed at eliminating “
microaggressions” of examples of subconsious racism and they were presented
at faculty leader training sessions at nine of the ten UC campuses .
At the gatherings, deans and department chairs across the UC system have
been instructed to be careful using (read: instructed not to use) phrases
such as “America is the land of opportunity” or even use forms that
provide only “male” and “female” check boxes, among a long litany of
supposed microaggressions listed in a document underlying the “Faculty
Leadership Seminars.”
Other sayings deemed unacceptable include:
“Everyone can succeed in this society, if they work hard enough.”
“Where are you from or where were you born?”
“Affirmative action is racist.”
“When I look at you, I don’t see color.”
These phrases in particular are targeted because they promote the “myth
of meritocracy” or represent “statements which assert that race or gender
does not play a role in life successes.” Others are said to be color blind
, apparently a bad thing that indicates “that a white person does not want
to or need to acknowledge race,” according to the handout, “Tool:
Recognizing Microaggressions and the Messages They Send.”
Here’s an example:
The College Fix reached out to the University of California with questions.
This particular answer is a howler.
In response to a question about how these seminars might have a chilling
effect on faculty members’ ability to engage in free speech,
representative Shelly Meron said in an email Tuesday that “These seminars
are not an attempt to curb open dialogue, debate or classroom discussions .”
Of course they are Ms. Meron, of course they are. Those who control the
language control the culture. That’s why you’ll never find someone who
supports partial-birth abortion referring to themselves as “pro-abortion.”
They are “pro-choice.”
“Educators” are the enemy of learning, they are destroying the soul of the
nation. Every time you hear the word “educator” please remember that two
of the most prominent “educators” in the nation are these people.
Bill Ayers and his wife Bernardine Dohrn, domestic terrorists with the
Weather Underground who should be serving life sentences in federal prison
are instead tenured professors at the University of Chicago School of
Education and close friends of Barack Obama.
Putting children in public school is tantamount to child abuse with today’s
public school system, including state university systems.
Pol Pot would be envious of the work being done at US colleges and
universities in the area of “re-education.”
1 (共1页)
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Recognizing the heroes in the fight against SCA5Jobs and Schmidt having coffee
为什么亚裔远离了共和党? (转载)奥巴马是地下共产党员
话题: university话题: california话题: where话题: meron