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SanFrancisco版 - 北方老印揭露南方老印垄断招聘 (转载)
清华的才女SUSAN SU,骗了1500个老印 (转载)呵呵,本年度第二次被老印黑 (转载)
清华的才女SUSAN SU,骗了1500个老印 (转载)Duped Indian students ignored red flags
烙印简历造假 (HM,大公司的朋友看过来)问一下硅谷的硅工们,烙印之间来美国之后还搞种姓制度么? (转载)
看到一个阿三揭露老印们如何整烂美国 (转载)CISCO的CTO原来是个三姐啊 (转载)
此文一出,“老印团结”的神话瞬间破灭了 (转载)今年保险刚转到KAISER. 求推 荐OB 和 家庭医生. 我住FREMONT.谢谢!
烙印简历造假 (HM,大公司的朋友看过来) (转载)请问自己考Real Estate License有好处吗?
话题: people话题: bay话题: recruiting话题: area话题: telugu
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2605
【 以下文字转载自 JobHunting 讨论区 】
发信人: ExternalF (真逗), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: 北方老印揭露南方老印垄断招聘
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Feb 26 22:43:28 2015, 美东)
If you take a count of the total people hired in US in IT, you will find
that 90 to 95% of them are from Andhra Pradesh in India. I have worked for
several companies in the bay area and other states and inspite of my
experience and skills was always threatened by a incapable Telugu manager,
Lead or candidate who only wanted to hire people of his caste. As if this
was not enough, most of the Indian recruiting companies in the Bay Area are
run by Telugu people who prefer to hire people from their region/caste and
also work hand in hand with hiring managers to give a commission off the
rates they make. This is very well known and widely practiced in companies
such as CISCO and many others in the bay area. There are instances when my
recruiting company told me that my resume didnt stand a chance, because the
other recruting company that was working with this client was bribing
managers to get their folks in. The result you see is incompetent
inexperienced people who get hired for low rates, the cuts off salary goes
to the recruiting company and hiring manager. No guessing how this has
affected the IT job market. Really surprising this crap has been going on
for the last 10 years or so and nothing has been done about it.
发帖数: 461
1 (共1页)
湾区住家保姆价格此文一出,“老印团结”的神话瞬间破灭了 (转载)
防红杏出墙 印度IT男在妻私处上锁 (转载)烙印简历造假 (HM,大公司的朋友看过来) (转载)
阿三国首都发生种族歧视,导致本国青年被群殴至死 (转载)浅谈北美华人的优势和劣势
清华的才女SUSAN SU,骗了1500个老印 (转载)呵呵,本年度第二次被老印黑 (转载)
清华的才女SUSAN SU,骗了1500个老印 (转载)Duped Indian students ignored red flags
烙印简历造假 (HM,大公司的朋友看过来)问一下硅谷的硅工们,烙印之间来美国之后还搞种姓制度么? (转载)
看到一个阿三揭露老印们如何整烂美国 (转载)CISCO的CTO原来是个三姐啊 (转载)
话题: people话题: bay话题: recruiting话题: area话题: telugu