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SanFrancisco版 - APAPA 王彦邦杂谈 李文和 案子
周本立(Ed Chau)本周四湾区筹款餐会—— By AAGG有关5/9 AAGG与SVCA合办的金花宴
欢迎光临南加关键摇摆区候选人Kim和Nguyen见面会(Cupertino)原本素不相识的一位, 为何力挺 Barry Chang
APAPA的真实面目支持Ted Lieu:让我们为华人在国会争取一个“配额”
溫水裡的青蛙,可以不死加州左逼奴才菊花夹着止血带怒吼:支持Ted Lieu:让我们为华人在 (转载)
谁说Peter Kuo没希望选上?加州左逼奴才菊花夹着止血带怒吼:支持Ted Lieu:让我们为华人在 (转载)
欢迎光临南加关键摇摆区候选人Young Kim和Janet Nguyen见面会(請支持邵陽擔任選佛利蒙聯合學區委員,用他的熱情和才幹為您和您的家庭服務。
独立人士建议:华人不分左右支持韩裔GOP候选人Kim10月26日社区讲座 - 历史与未来,经济危机下道路选择
橙县选民登记--你不知道的那些事儿! (转载)我可以为三藩市11月9号的游行做的一些事情
话题: him话题: bill话题: richardson话题: his话题: may
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 158
Source: wechat group (revised slightly), by Albert Wang
About Wen Ho Lee. it is right that no one would publicly speak out in
support of him because of concern that he may later be found guilty as a spy
and a public figure who defended him may be attacked in future election or
appointments. The reason I felt someone of high enough level may be able to
make a difference was that they have the ears of the decision makers. They
don't need to go public with this but just talk to Janet Reno, or even Bill
Clinton, and provide them with the unlikelihood WHL would spy for China
given his background. This may inject enough doubt that they would not rush
to indict him and lock him up.
It has become clear to me that the whole thing was rushed because Bill
Richardson wanted cover because of his political ambition, while others
wanted to get him for the possible leak in nuclear bomb secret to China
under his watch as Energy Secretary. WHL got caught up in the dirty
politics of DC. If there was a balancing voice at a level as high as
Richardson, or at least at nearly that level, Reno or Clinton may have
slowed down the investigation and there would not have been as much bad
publicity for all of us. Recall that Bill Moore, of FBI, who the press
liked to quote, said something to the effect that There are millions of
Chinese Americans in this country and all are subject of recruitment as spy
by the Chinese government, making all of us possible spies!!
Most of you don't know that several years later Richardson was considered as
the first choice by John Kerry to be his vice presidential partner. We
were close to Kerry, thanks to Mike Honda's introduction and early
fundraisers for him. We loudly protested and hopefully damaged him enough
that he was passed over. But I got hate calls from Hispanic people because,
not withstanding his last name, he was the Hispanics best hope for a
president at the time. I still have one of these recordings on my work
voice mail, accusing me of being the newcomer who wants to take over
California which the whites stole from Mexico (some truth to this, actually).
发帖数: 6652


【在 s******n 的大作中提到】
: Source: wechat group (revised slightly), by Albert Wang
: About Wen Ho Lee. it is right that no one would publicly speak out in
: support of him because of concern that he may later be found guilty as a spy
: and a public figure who defended him may be attacked in future election or
: appointments. The reason I felt someone of high enough level may be able to
: make a difference was that they have the ears of the decision makers. They
: don't need to go public with this but just talk to Janet Reno, or even Bill
: Clinton, and provide them with the unlikelihood WHL would spy for China
: given his background. This may inject enough doubt that they would not rush
: to indict him and lock him up.

发帖数: 158
你还应该提, APAPA (through its AAGG-PAC) 和 SVCA 一起为南加 GOP 金花 捐款。
政治, 不是黑白分明。

【在 n****l 的大作中提到】
: 这傻哥们不是强烈支持aa吗?和amigo又不对付了?
: spy
: or
: to
: They
: Bill
: rush

1 (共1页)
我可以为三藩市11月9号的游行做的一些事情谁说Peter Kuo没希望选上?
好消息! 11/9 游行全湾区大巴报名 请版主置顶欢迎光临南加关键摇摆区候选人Young Kim和Janet Nguyen见面会(
为游行做点什么吧!游行大巴招募palo alto和Fremont blvd大华车长独立人士建议:华人不分左右支持韩裔GOP候选人Kim
建议用移动广告车为游行作宣传橙县选民登记--你不知道的那些事儿! (转载)
周本立(Ed Chau)本周四湾区筹款餐会—— By AAGG有关5/9 AAGG与SVCA合办的金花宴
欢迎光临南加关键摇摆区候选人Kim和Nguyen见面会(Cupertino)原本素不相识的一位, 为何力挺 Barry Chang
APAPA的真实面目支持Ted Lieu:让我们为华人在国会争取一个“配额”
溫水裡的青蛙,可以不死加州左逼奴才菊花夹着止血带怒吼:支持Ted Lieu:让我们为华人在 (转载)
话题: him话题: bill话题: richardson话题: his话题: may