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SanFrancisco版 - 老美文章评论SCA 5: 公开歧视亚裔!
SCA 5: Most Racist Bill in California History? [zt]抛砖引玉:团结起来,一起抗议SCA5!!!
Most Racist Bill in California History? SCA 5 by Democrat S (转载)大家看到今天WSJ关于SCA5的报道了吗?完全站在亚裔立场啊
大家是不是从女权这个角度来反对SCA-5更容易点Thank you, ED, for letting us know what it will be like when Chinese are in power
对老侨进行劝说非常重要!!!Some Preliminary Thoughts on the Lawsuits and Protests by Asian American groups
A Rude Awakeningsan jose暴力ABC报道 (转载)
" affirmative action challenge is dead"ZT- Nice song Ching Chong! Response to anti-Asian rant video
几个“印度人”职场的例子 (转载)cupertino家长
话题: california话题: asians话题: uc话题: white
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 271
摘要 “Such racist dishonesty is breathtaking — until one realizes that,
well, this IS California. It’s okay to discriminate against Asians in the
Golden State —”
The Jew and Asian California University Quota Limitation Act
Richard Rider Rants, 2/1/14
This Associated Press “story” the U-T ran (at the bottom of this blog) is
essentially the “cut and paste” version of the dishonest press release put
out by proponents. The AP is no longer a press organization — it’s become
largely a government “information” distribution channel. No fact checking
Here’s what the story says: “In 1995, minority students accounted for 38
percent of high school graduates and 21 percent of those entering as
University of California freshmen, Hernandez said. By 2004, they made up 45
percent of high school graduates but 18 percent of incoming UC freshmen, he
said, adding the gap is growing.”
But go look at the official stats of the demographics of 2013 incoming UC
http://www.ucop.edu/news/factsheets/2013/fall_2013_admissions_t (end of the table)
So, what’s the percentage of incoming freshmen who are white (INCLUDING “
other”)? 28.1% — well BELOW the percentage of whites in California (42.3%)
. And BTW, note that this table shows that the percentage of the selectively
designated “oppressed” minority admissions is NOT shrinking — it’s
remarkably level. The drop they ballyhoo is the ending in 1996 of the
disastrous and discriminatory quota system that existed before we passed
Prop 209 to make such discrimination illegal.
This bill is not about countering white privilege. It’s about setting up DE
FACTO quotas for ASIANS — which constitute a (supposedly evil)
disproportionately high 36% of admissions vs. 14.9% of the CA population.
Apparently these Asian kids “act white” FAR better than even WHITE kids
act white!
To make the numbers being used to justify the bill favorable, the
affirmative action (not quotas, of course) sponsors made the Asians minority
part of the “white” majority (which is not a majority). Ipso presto,
discrimination abounds!!
Such racist dishonesty is breathtaking — until one realizes that, well,
this IS California. It’s okay to discriminate against Asians in the Golden
State — just as it was once acceptable to establish informal admission
quotas on high-performing Jews at Ivy League colleges a century ago.
NOTE: Here’s an aspect of the bill that most will overlook. Included in
this new stealth quota system bill is a redress of the longstanding
grievance against gender discrimination. It’s gone on for generations and
continues even today — ask any liberal.
But here’s the thing: The bill will require what amounts to discrimination
against the gender that is too frequently admitted — you guessed, WOMEN.
In 2010 the UC system admitted 95,403 women and only 84,178 men — a PRIMA
FACIE case confirming discrimination. I look forward to the innovative
progressive implementation of this solution to gender discrimination.
1 (共1页)
cupertino家长A Rude Awakening
看来第一轮辩论romney得分不少哈" affirmative action challenge is dead"
仔细看UC录取几个“印度人”职场的例子 (转载)
SCA 5: Most Racist Bill in California History? [zt]抛砖引玉:团结起来,一起抗议SCA5!!!
Most Racist Bill in California History? SCA 5 by Democrat S (转载)大家看到今天WSJ关于SCA5的报道了吗?完全站在亚裔立场啊
大家是不是从女权这个角度来反对SCA-5更容易点Thank you, ED, for letting us know what it will be like when Chinese are in power
对老侨进行劝说非常重要!!!Some Preliminary Thoughts on the Lawsuits and Protests by Asian American groups
话题: california话题: asians话题: uc话题: white