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SanFrancisco版 - 美国风声鹤唳,knockout game开展到了费城 (转载)
美国风声鹤唳,knockout game开展到了费城 (转载)70-Year-Old Man Suffers Brain Trauma After Being Punched in Head at Hayward's Kennedy Park
The Punching Bag Hits Back: Prius Crash Was Driver Error, T4-block blood trail from S.F. stabbing scene
Lawyer: Oakland Sucker-punch suspect not 'evil person'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!无话可说了...
2010华裔遭受欺负的报道。100,000 Volt Stun Gun $15(ZZ)
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亚裔枪男为了抢回旧手机开枪,弹尽粮绝后被俘 (转载)灭绝人性的导演高希希!!!共同抵制新“三国”吧!!(ZZ) (转载)
话题: he话题: photos话题: she话题: punch话题: granny
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发帖数: 3219
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: TravisBickle (Travis), 信区: Military
标 题: 美国风声鹤唳,knockout game开展到了费城
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Nov 21 11:00:58 2013, 美东)
此项黑人青少年运动据说起源St Louis,现在发展到很多美国城市,和欧洲都市。
个白m,结果被照下来了,还被嘲笑是granny punch。
On Monday afternoon, the young woman–who works for one of Philadelphia’s
largest corporations–was outside the Convention Center in Philadelphia
taking photos with her Canon camera when a man allegedly punched her in the
face in an apparent attempt to steal the camera. Not only did she manage to
hold on to the camera, but she also got a photo of her alleged assailant,
seen above.
“I was taking a photo when he punched me in the jaw,” she told me on
Tuesday night. “I turned around and he turned around at the same time, and
I took a series of photos. He was in a few photos I had taken a few minutes
prior to the assault as well.”
“He was at the street corner of 13th and Arch, and I was taking photos of
the Convention Center,” she says of the second photo. “I was walking
slowly while I was taking photos. He walked past me as did the woman in the
red jacket. He was walking near her for about a block. A few minutes later
as I approached Broad Street is when he assaulted me.”
As she put it on Facebook, where she shared the photos: “He punches like a
granny, and was dumb enough to turn back around and walk by thinking his
granny punch knocked me out so I could take his photo. Cheese!”
1 (共1页)
灭绝人性的导演高希希!!!共同抵制新“三国”吧!!(ZZ) (转载)昨天差点打架,兼问后果
Marie Claire 写了15个中国女人你们说, 手持美国护照, 能在中国上上户口吗? (转载)
请教一下 青苹果达人 ~~亚裔枪男为了抢回旧手机开枪,弹尽粮绝后被俘 (转载)
美国风声鹤唳,knockout game开展到了费城 (转载)70-Year-Old Man Suffers Brain Trauma After Being Punched in Head at Hayward's Kennedy Park
The Punching Bag Hits Back: Prius Crash Was Driver Error, T4-block blood trail from S.F. stabbing scene
Lawyer: Oakland Sucker-punch suspect not 'evil person'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!无话可说了...
2010华裔遭受欺负的报道。100,000 Volt Stun Gun $15(ZZ)
话题: he话题: photos话题: she话题: punch话题: granny