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SanFrancisco版 - *******请你所在的公司,学校请求援助的样板信***********
历史总是会惊人的相似 (转载)民主党创造的新美国:7/4号DC 地铁里的恐怖杀人案
[转发]请发信投诉ABC的jimmy kimmel 的节目关于杀光中国人不当(转载)蓓蓝舞蹈团2007年招生
也刨把砖,刚做的一张反SCA5的海报 (转载)很纠结!!
Shamu kills SeaWorld trainer as guests watch从德洲搬加洲工资要涨多少?
月球殖民地Brown Vows to Slash Government Spending as California’s Go
*****对如何扩大鸡毛事件的影响的一点建议***manager position available for software developer
话题: our话题: abc话题: god话题: people话题: us
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 970
这是我draft的给公司或学校HR 或 PR的信。斗争要讲究策略,要借力发力,让你所在
的公司学校为我们出头。 我英文水平有限,如果能有大拿帮忙改的更煽情和完善就太
好了。 具体操作我的想法如下:
。 Email的title一定要醒目,做一回标题党,确保你的邮件一定被读到。
3. 告知HR这件事情,向他们询问该如何进行下一步,当然要把庞大的签名纸给他们看
。 然后配合和督促他们给你答复。 关键是找到真正的负责人,然后跟他联系和商讨。
在交流过程中,一定要用请求帮助的语气和态度。always 用 "we". 并对取得的成果或
进展给予赞美和肯定。 这样,别人才更愿意帮助我们。
4.同时,千万别耽误工作。 在工作上一定要更积极主动,能出傲人成绩更好。
To Whom It May Concern:
The Jimmy Kimmel Kid’s Table Government Shutdown Show aired on ABC’s
national network has caused deep disturbance and concerns among American
people for two main reasons:
1. Jimmy Kimmel responded to the kid’s divisive thought of “killing
all Chinese people” to avoid paying back our debts as “an interesting idea
”. Now all the Chinese around us are hugely offended and fiercely outraged
by this absolutely inappropriate “joke”. It promotes hatred and racism.
It is against the constitutional democracy, and it is against what United
State of America stands for.
2. Having a kid delivering such a horrifying message is completely
unacceptable! The message broadcasted in a seemingly joking manner actually
has profound impact on our children nationwide – it promotes violence. It
implies that we could resolve a problem by killing people. Have we not heard
enough of ruthless killings, crimes and school shootings happening nowadays
? How are we supposed to explain to our children if they ask why killing
people “is an interesting idea”?
What bothers us even more is the irrelevant and ineffective apology issued
by ABC. In the apology, it neither acknowledged the misconduct of the
inappropriate racism joke nor addressed the violence issue. It does not
sound like ABC has realized or cared about the disastrous consequences this
show created. When the mainstream media does not care about its
responsibility for a healthy society, it generates serious worries.
Now our minds are heavily burdened with the thoughts, fears and worries
about our future and our children’s future in this country. Promoting
violence and promoting hatred is just NOT something we do on TV or anywhere
else. Period.
If ABC does not take actions, we will. We demand a sincere apology from ABC
/Disney specifically addressing the racism and violence promoting issues.
The general public needs to know that episode of the show was NOT okay in
anyway. We also demand that ABC/Disney come up with a program to
effectively create positive influence touching on these two issues.
We are always proud of how (your own company name) gives back to the society
, and we proudly take ownership of this company by creating outstanding
results on our jobs, enthusiastically participating in charitable events,and
happily supporting and celebrating culture diversities, etc.. Now we need
our company’s leadership to represent us and voice our opinions. Some
friends told us that their companies have started issuing statements
regarding this incident. We urge you to be among the first companies to take
actions and help us get back our
peace of mind so that we can focus on what matters at work and in our
families as usual.
Your support means a great deal to us, and thank you in advance for
assisting us. Lastly, we would like to end this letter with a quote from
someone saddened (among the hundreds of thousands of people) by this
“I call upon all Americans to take a deep breath and think about it.We all
pray God bless America, and we have been blessed so far. When we fought
against Nazi, and we won because God is on our side; When Japanese bombed
our Pearl Harbor, we stood up and we won again because God is on our side.
But if we teach our kids that we can avoid our debt with genocide, and let
those morons spread hatred among people in public media, aren't acting like
Nazi and sinking to the bottom by bullying and killing the weaker yet
innocent people?
If we choose to be on the same side as Adolf Hitler, will God be on our side
next time?
Remember this Disney song? "You think you own whatever land you land on, The
Earth is just a dead thing you can claim?"
Print Name and Signature (Try to have as many people sign as possible).
发帖数: 148

【在 m**********e 的大作中提到】
: 这是我draft的给公司或学校HR 或 PR的信。斗争要讲究策略,要借力发力,让你所在
: 的公司学校为我们出头。 我英文水平有限,如果能有大拿帮忙改的更煽情和完善就太
: 好了。 具体操作我的想法如下:
: 1.你要做的事是把这件事煽情的讲给你的各个族裔的同事听,从中国同事,亚裔同事,
: 最具同情心和正义感的同事,你的下属,和需要你帮助的同事开始。然后逐步扩大,更
: 可以请他们帮忙宣传。
: 2.然后给他们看这封信并让他们签名。签名纸应该是另外几张纸,不要跟信本身连着。
: 这样,你就可以把信复印很多份,甚至email传发,只要有在签名纸上的签名就可以了
: 。 Email的title一定要醒目,做一回标题党,确保你的邮件一定被读到。
: 3. 告知HR这件事情,向他们询问该如何进行下一步,当然要把庞大的签名纸给他们看

发帖数: 112
多转发, 华人, 文学城.....

【在 m**********e 的大作中提到】
: 这是我draft的给公司或学校HR 或 PR的信。斗争要讲究策略,要借力发力,让你所在
: 的公司学校为我们出头。 我英文水平有限,如果能有大拿帮忙改的更煽情和完善就太
: 好了。 具体操作我的想法如下:
: 1.你要做的事是把这件事煽情的讲给你的各个族裔的同事听,从中国同事,亚裔同事,
: 最具同情心和正义感的同事,你的下属,和需要你帮助的同事开始。然后逐步扩大,更
: 可以请他们帮忙宣传。
: 2.然后给他们看这封信并让他们签名。签名纸应该是另外几张纸,不要跟信本身连着。
: 这样,你就可以把信复印很多份,甚至email传发,只要有在签名纸上的签名就可以了
: 。 Email的title一定要醒目,做一回标题党,确保你的邮件一定被读到。
: 3. 告知HR这件事情,向他们询问该如何进行下一步,当然要把庞大的签名纸给他们看

发帖数: 970
这个...我都没有什么帐号,也不知道往哪里转。 哪位同学可以帮忙吗?

【在 j***u 的大作中提到】
: 顶!!!
: 多转发, 华人, 文学城.....

发帖数: 961
发帖数: 305
发帖数: 904
发帖数: 1700

【在 m**********e 的大作中提到】
: 这是我draft的给公司或学校HR 或 PR的信。斗争要讲究策略,要借力发力,让你所在
: 的公司学校为我们出头。 我英文水平有限,如果能有大拿帮忙改的更煽情和完善就太
: 好了。 具体操作我的想法如下:
: 1.你要做的事是把这件事煽情的讲给你的各个族裔的同事听,从中国同事,亚裔同事,
: 最具同情心和正义感的同事,你的下属,和需要你帮助的同事开始。然后逐步扩大,更
: 可以请他们帮忙宣传。
: 2.然后给他们看这封信并让他们签名。签名纸应该是另外几张纸,不要跟信本身连着。
: 这样,你就可以把信复印很多份,甚至email传发,只要有在签名纸上的签名就可以了
: 。 Email的title一定要醒目,做一回标题党,确保你的邮件一定被读到。
: 3. 告知HR这件事情,向他们询问该如何进行下一步,当然要把庞大的签名纸给他们看

发帖数: 8093
1 (共1页)
manager position available for software developer贡献几张加州公立高等教育按族裔分布图(1996-2010)
manager position for software developerShamu kills SeaWorld trainer as guests watch
给作者: 报google nyc offer,并分享面经 (转载)月球殖民地
Looking for PHP and Front End Web Developers in South Bay (转载)*****对如何扩大鸡毛事件的影响的一点建议***
历史总是会惊人的相似 (转载)民主党创造的新美国:7/4号DC 地铁里的恐怖杀人案
[转发]请发信投诉ABC的jimmy kimmel 的节目关于杀光中国人不当(转载)蓓蓝舞蹈团2007年招生
也刨把砖,刚做的一张反SCA5的海报 (转载)很纠结!!
话题: our话题: abc话题: god话题: people话题: us