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SanFrancisco版 - 三哥怒了中国网民乱喷ZT印度时报 (转载)
呵呵,加州左党又要悄悄加税了dell 即将退出中国 微软可能是下一个
【【【注意】】】针对薛铊和李铊的白宫请愿书来了!!!! (转(转载)Exit China
Bay area哪里有芯片decap和照相的服务?求一个google voice 邀请
主题:报告称九成中国家庭拥有住房 首套房收益超300% (转载)求一个google voice invite - 包子酬谢
三哥的基洛级登陆舰ZT (转载)google voice 基本上没什么用处 (转载)
1000+世界级公司在印度开展R&DEB2最新排期: 22 SEP 2005
PMP贴个voice memo
话题: india话题: chinese话题: china话题: japan话题: beijing
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6999
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: gc01 (gc01), 信区: Military
标 题: 三哥怒了中国网民乱喷ZT印度时报
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Apr 28 00:29:45 2013, 美东)
China twitterati fuming against India on Ladakh
Saibal Dasgupta, TNN | Apr 27, 2013, 02.59 AM IST
BEIJING: Although tightly controlled, the Chinese internet space is filling
up with hundreds of accusations that India is playing foul by raking up a
non-issue over an allegedly fake infiltration by the country's army. Many
users of Weibo, the Chinese Twitter, are demanding that their government "
teach India a lesson".
There are signs of tacit official encouragement of such internet postings,
which have been allowed by censors that usually block any campaign against
what they regard as "friendly countries". Experts and journalists connected
with state-run bodies are voicing similar opinion. Besides, the Communist
Party cadre is known to populate a good part of the internet space.
"Indians fishing in troubled waters? Working hand-in-glove with Japan?"
asked a Weibo user going by the tag Mafeijiutong. A large number of web
users and an official expert on South Asia are suggesting that India is
deliberately trying to damage China's image at a time when Beijing is
engaged in serious disputes with its sea neighbours including Japan. There
are suggestions that India has joined a US conspiracy to raise the bogey of
"Chinese military threat".
"It's worth noting that China's neighbouring countries, the Philippines,
Japan, and Vietnam, are creating trouble and throwing up territorial issues.
The speculation in India about Chinese army crossing the line is
unwarranted at this point of time," wrote Fu Xiaoqiang, a South Asia expert
in the state-run China Contemporary International Relations Institute, in
Huanqiu Shibao. "India should abandon the Cold War mentality, do more to
help China-India relations," Fu added.
As usual, no one is questioning the Chinese government's view that its
troops did not cross the Line of Actual Control into India.
1 (共1页)
贴个voice memo主题:报告称九成中国家庭拥有住房 首套房收益超300% (转载)
Re: 操他妈的, 到哪里都是好人吃亏啊 (转载)三哥的基洛级登陆舰ZT (转载)
EB2 6月排期: Nov 22 20051000+世界级公司在印度开展R&D
google voice doesnt support sms to cell in china any more?PMP
呵呵,加州左党又要悄悄加税了dell 即将退出中国 微软可能是下一个
【【【注意】】】针对薛铊和李铊的白宫请愿书来了!!!! (转(转载)Exit China
Bay area哪里有芯片decap和照相的服务?求一个google voice 邀请
话题: india话题: chinese话题: china话题: japan话题: beijing