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SanFrancisco版 - 请投票给Tam Truong, San Jose District 4 Candidate
Murrieta市长很给力 (转载)一万签名@change.org --> Kansen Chu会去ABC (转载)
转载一封英文的战斗檄文. Let's all fight for our basic right!朱议员确认继续行动(和ABC meeting)
mountain view 燭光祈福會參加人士名單(不斷更新中)your donation at work, Nov 21 and Nov 22
[合集] 黄少雄对512烛光祈福的反馈参与了抗议鸡毛的朋友 -- 突然想起那个朱感生议员
集结号!!!周五san jose游行!san jose Kansen Chu竞选Assembly
一万签名@change.org --> Kansen Chu会去ABC美国国会众议员Mike Honda就FOX News Bob Beckel言论发表声明
Councilmember Kansen Chu's Petition---Help NEEDED IMMEDIATELY星期二中午圣荷西市政府门前,反对Bob Beckel 游行!请置顶
If you don't teach your kid violence and hate, why would you let Jimmy Kimmel and ABC?社区各界携手,共庆LYN潘欣欣Cupertino学区委员竞选启动仪式!
话题: mayor话题: san话题: jose话题: candidate话题: our
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 320
Website: www.truongforcitycouncil.com
Candidate Statement: As a police officer, public safety is a high priority
for me. The only way to restore public safety is control our spending
including pension reform. I support Mayor Reed’s pension reform. We need to
stop the erosion of our services. Controlling costs is critical to
restoring services to our residents including opening our libraries and
community centers full time, and increasing our police officers and
My experience and fiscal conservatism have earned me the endorsement of
Mayor Reed, Vice Mayor Nguyen, Councilmember Constant, and the San Jose
Silicon Valley Chamber PAC.
1 (共1页)
社区各界携手,共庆LYN潘欣欣Cupertino学区委员竞选启动仪式!集结号!!!周五san jose游行!
Barry Chang Town Hall Meeting一万签名@change.org --> Kansen Chu会去ABC
Attention! North San Jose residents. Message from your district councilmember.Councilmember Kansen Chu's Petition---Help NEEDED IMMEDIATELY
湾区最漂亮的公园是不是big basin redwood state park?If you don't teach your kid violence and hate, why would you let Jimmy Kimmel and ABC?
Murrieta市长很给力 (转载)一万签名@change.org --> Kansen Chu会去ABC (转载)
转载一封英文的战斗檄文. Let's all fight for our basic right!朱议员确认继续行动(和ABC meeting)
mountain view 燭光祈福會參加人士名單(不斷更新中)your donation at work, Nov 21 and Nov 22
[合集] 黄少雄对512烛光祈福的反馈参与了抗议鸡毛的朋友 -- 突然想起那个朱感生议员
话题: mayor话题: san话题: jose话题: candidate话题: our