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SanFrancisco版 - loand is declined due to only 2 (转载)
15-year loan refinance for 3.875% 是个好deal吗?今天的利率
30Yr super conforming no cost no imound---4.375 (转载)Temporary Super Conforming Loan Limits Expiring(from PF)
今天的 5-year ARM refi rate(Conforming Loan )?求推荐mountain view附近loan broker
什么是jumpo loan30年fixed, 无点@4.125%
Bernanke说FED要接着买债券到六月份, 以维持低利率Refi 利率什么水平?
请推荐个湾区loan broker, 谢谢!现在5年arm和30年贷款的loan大概是多少?
7 year arm 2.875,没有point and closing cost!Just locked 30fix,利率是3.75
30y fixed high balance conforming loan 的利率是多少现在15年fixed 利率大概多少?
话题: loan话题: loand话题: declined话题: due话题: only
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 17
【 以下文字转载自 Living 讨论区 】
发信人: sskx (pc小子), 信区: Living
标 题: loand is declined due to only 2
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Nov 3 23:29:23 2009, 美东)
applying for BoA loan $570K, LTI<75, credit score 790.
Loan is declined because I do not meet minimum number of trade lines (credit
card or loan). I have only two credit cards.
Is there anyone having similar experience?
I was suggested to get two loan: conforming $417K (rate 5%) + rest using
2nd mortgage loan (aka home equity loan, rate 9%). I was promised to c
1 (共1页)
现在15年fixed 利率大概多少?Bernanke说FED要接着买债券到六月份, 以维持低利率
现在 investment property 和 primary residence loan rate 差多少请推荐个湾区loan broker, 谢谢!
有人用过Interbank Mortgage么7 year arm 2.875,没有point and closing cost!
求推荐比较擅长jumbo loan的broker/ agent/ lending institution30y fixed high balance conforming loan 的利率是多少
15-year loan refinance for 3.875% 是个好deal吗?今天的利率
30Yr super conforming no cost no imound---4.375 (转载)Temporary Super Conforming Loan Limits Expiring(from PF)
今天的 5-year ARM refi rate(Conforming Loan )?求推荐mountain view附近loan broker
什么是jumpo loan30年fixed, 无点@4.125%
话题: loan话题: loand话题: declined话题: due话题: only