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SanDiego版 - Re: 求祝福,跟cash offer抢一个房子--update (转载)
女士们用的cream, lotion啥的算液体吗?能carryon?国内媒体对老美反烙印运动的误解 (转载)
求推荐一个Data Recovery的公司Are Qualcomm Layoff Disaster for San Diego—or Opportunity
Chinese Ethnic Dance Show on Sunday, May 19, 2013, starting at 4:00 p.m.Qualcomm: The first cut is not the deepest ...
圣地亚哥围棋俱乐部活动San Diego North County House PPSF Plot
OMG, who is this guy? RIP4S Ranch Lone Bluff Way Houses/Hill Sliding
小中男孩,刚被 MIT early 录取,但是。。。 (转载)我来说说那个 Tofu House
帅哥美女WSN+NV土豪们看过来 (转载)SD消费水平很高???
越南排华暴乱:海外老中组织起来自保 (转载)生手提问
话题: market话题: house话题: houses话题: aug话题: march
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 10904
【 以下文字转载自 Living 讨论区 】
发信人: ahchzg (goingwithwind), 信区: Living
标 题: Re: 求祝福,跟cash offer抢一个房子--update
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Feb 11 21:20:15 2013, 美东)
I have tracked marketing since late Dec 2008, and closed the house in early
In March 2009, the market crashed, and the lowest point was hit.
For the rest of the year, the Obama passed incentive for buyers, the house
market recovered a little bit.
In 2010, it was still kind of cold, but the house market was kind of stable.
In 2011, the house market was recovering and rising till Aug 2012, and a lot
of houses were listed on the market. Compared to the price in March 2009,
the price has increased about 10-11%.
Then it collapsed again, within three-four months, there were too many
houses on the market, and the price dropped another 5-6% since Aug.
In Jan 2012, some investors and many buyers have started to offer and
multiple offers (real offers, not the low ball offers that were for fun and
testing), and so most people did not withhold buying any more.
The balance point was broken in about April 2012. From then on, you know
what has been going, now it is in the overshooting mode.
The government has played a pivotal role in breaking the balance. Now the
banks are happy, and then can release houses slowly due to free money from
Another one is due to Qualcomm performance. It has danced together with
government almost simultaneous.
1 (共1页)
生手提问OMG, who is this guy? RIP
Welcome Dancing Party October,10 (周六晚)小中男孩,刚被 MIT early 录取,但是。。。 (转载)
这个dancing with the stars到底谁是star啊?帅哥美女WSN+NV土豪们看过来 (转载)
for the Salsa Fans, tonite越南排华暴乱:海外老中组织起来自保 (转载)
女士们用的cream, lotion啥的算液体吗?能carryon?国内媒体对老美反烙印运动的误解 (转载)
求推荐一个Data Recovery的公司Are Qualcomm Layoff Disaster for San Diego—or Opportunity
Chinese Ethnic Dance Show on Sunday, May 19, 2013, starting at 4:00 p.m.Qualcomm: The first cut is not the deepest ...
圣地亚哥围棋俱乐部活动San Diego North County House PPSF Plot
话题: market话题: house话题: houses话题: aug话题: march