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SanDiego版 - Round one: the professional won
乘风水上飘--海上hiking记 (转载)It's coming ...
Re: zt: 天涯相亲 (转载)预言帝咋就不说说上半场有没有进球呢。。。
有高尔夫球友吗?决定file a complain about a lawer-却被恐吓 (转载)
Mira Mesa靠近poway这块有泰国餐馆吗?Hiking in Iron Mountain on 6/27 by SDTHAA
申请SDSU的会计的推荐信Iron mountain hiking 记
ucsd 的MBA好找工作吗?降价大甩卖
ZT: 替老公征小三,并帮助扶正what to do in SD?
话题: round话题: affair话题: won话题: eventual
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 9094
The "HOT" post was gone. But the repercussion can be felt far away.
Purely from the biological standpoint, it is possible that the hubby's
hormone system was activated after/during the affair in such a way that his
sperms got an energy boost or extreme makeover to be able to fight harder
than ever before in order to reach the finish line. Is this a blessing or
curse? Only time can tell.
发帖数: 13127
As expected.


【在 B******1 的大作中提到】
: The "HOT" post was gone. But the repercussion can be felt far away.
: Purely from the biological standpoint, it is possible that the hubby's
: hormone system was activated after/during the affair in such a way that his
: sperms got an energy boost or extreme makeover to be able to fight harder
: than ever before in order to reach the finish line. Is this a blessing or
: curse? Only time can tell.

发帖数: 9094
I believe the 隐私 part was exposed not by the original post but by human
flesh activists. If all the story and discussion thereof are kept as a
hypothetical situation, readers can enjoy an intellectual or emotional feast
while the real parties can gauge the potential damage/gain of the eventual
Back in real life, an affair is an affair. If you enjoy the pleasure
therefrom, you must bear the consequence for committing to such deeds as
well. Part of it is to endure the rage of the public media professionally.
Ironically, crisis control seems to be the forte of one party involved.

【在 O***n 的大作中提到】
: As expected.
: 通过大字报,暴隐私能行吗?
: his

发帖数: 1706
privacy? What privacy? the original post was all about recreation..


【在 B******1 的大作中提到】
: I believe the 隐私 part was exposed not by the original post but by human
: flesh activists. If all the story and discussion thereof are kept as a
: hypothetical situation, readers can enjoy an intellectual or emotional feast
: while the real parties can gauge the potential damage/gain of the eventual
: settlement.
: Back in real life, an affair is an affair. If you enjoy the pleasure
: therefrom, you must bear the consequence for committing to such deeds as
: well. Part of it is to endure the rage of the public media professionally.
: Ironically, crisis control seems to be the forte of one party involved.

发帖数: 13127
the best way for that wife is trying her best in bed to conquer her husband,
not blaming the third party, hehe
She even has no right to have direct confrontation with the third party. she only can confront her hubby


【在 B******1 的大作中提到】
: I believe the 隐私 part was exposed not by the original post but by human
: flesh activists. If all the story and discussion thereof are kept as a
: hypothetical situation, readers can enjoy an intellectual or emotional feast
: while the real parties can gauge the potential damage/gain of the eventual
: settlement.
: Back in real life, an affair is an affair. If you enjoy the pleasure
: therefrom, you must bear the consequence for committing to such deeds as
: well. Part of it is to endure the rage of the public media professionally.
: Ironically, crisis control seems to be the forte of one party involved.

1 (共1页)
一周一hike: iron mountain hike on Saturday (Jan 22)ucsd 的MBA好找工作吗?
Free Mattress, spring box and iron bed frameZT: 替老公征小三,并帮助扶正
Iron Mountain这山还不错问问Amex的卡申请门槛高吗?还有costco的会员卡和这个的关系`
乘风水上飘--海上hiking记 (转载)It's coming ...
Re: zt: 天涯相亲 (转载)预言帝咋就不说说上半场有没有进球呢。。。
有高尔夫球友吗?决定file a complain about a lawer-却被恐吓 (转载)
Mira Mesa靠近poway这块有泰国餐馆吗?Hiking in Iron Mountain on 6/27 by SDTHAA
话题: round话题: affair话题: won话题: eventual