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SanDiego版 - SD山径概览(给爱爬山的新朋友们)
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Cardiff Seaside Market $5 for $10 giftcard喜欢多雨的冬天
San Elijo的房子怎样?wild wildflowers update
San Elijo Hills[wild wildflowers] Torrey Pines
马上要搬来San Diego啦,大家能建议下住哪儿么?去torry pine 看野花怎么走?
吼一声!有没有在San Marcos和San Elijo的妈妈们么?有爱好钓鱼的朋友吗?
话题: san话题: trails话题: diego话题: canyon话题: trail
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发帖数: 5637
Experience San Diego County Trails
Source: http://www.co.san-diego.ca.us/reusable_components/images/parks/doc/trailexperience.pdf
"Did you know that San Diego has one of the most diverse public trails
systems in the nation?
"Whether you are interested in a coastal stroll or an extreme uphill hike,
our parks and preserves offer trails experiences for everyone, from the
coast to the desert.
"People interested in an easy hike may want to stroll along the coastal
waters at San Elijo Lagoon. More adventurous trekkers will be challenged by
the hills of El Capitan or Hellhole Canyon. For those interested in outdoor
adventures, many of our camping parks also include trail experiences. For
example, at Lake Morena you can enjoy the Pacific Crest Trail, which boasts
beautiful lake views, and William Heise offers scenic overlooks of the oak,
pine, and cedar filled backcountry. Most of our trails are multi-use and
have been designed to accommodate hikers, bikers, and equestrians.
"While you are on the trail, there are many things to see and enjoy to add
to your outdoor experience. Do you like wildflowers? At the right time of
year, wildflowers carpet the hillside at Volcan Mountain or Sycamore Canyon/
Goodan Ranch. How about birds?
"Birdwatchers from across the country gather at San Elijo Lagoon to
experience spectacular spring and fall migrations. In many of our parks, you
can also learn about nature and the environment while you are on the trail.
Keep an eye out for fire ecology interpretative signage and environmental
education displays and kiosks. In addition, many of our trails offer unique
opportunities to learn about historical and cultural resources in the area.
For example, at Los
Peñasquitos Canyon Preserve, you can visit the historic adobe ranch
house and learn about what ranch life was like in the 1800s."
发帖数: 3591
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thanks for sharing. Marked!
发帖数: 5637
Latest local Wild flower info according to Wild Flower Hotline:
1. Toreey Pine State Reserve
Travel south to San Diego County, home of Torrey Pines State Natural
Preserve and enjoy the final days of peak bloom in the park. Canyon shrubs
lush from winter rains and showing off bright yellow flowers, include Nevin
’s barberry (Berberis nevinii), bladderpod (Isomeris arborea), rock rose (
Helianthemum scoparium), and bush poppy (Dendromecon rigida). These woody
plants are often laced with the climbing pink San Diego rose pea (Lathyrus
vestitus var. alefeldii). San Diego sea dahlia (Coreopsis maritima),
goldfields (Lasthenia coronaria), and tidy tips (Layia platyglossa) are
scattered in patches along the trails along with coast paintbrush (
Castilleja affinis ssp. affinis), owl’s clover (Castilleja exserta ssp.
exserta), and cream cups (Platystemon californicus). Blue-eyed grass (
Sisyrinchium bellum) and golden stars (Bloomeria clevelandii), poke up
through grasses and around the bases of shrubs. Some pathways in the reserve
are closed for repair. Check in at the Visitor Center to ask about the
status of popular trails.
2.Cuyamca Rancho State Park (near Julian)
Drive east from San Diego along Highway 79 for some stunning roadside
scenery. Just before descending into Anza Borrego, the wildflower displays
around Cuyamaca Rancho State Park will likey distract, then detour you from
your intended desert destination. Lake Cuyamaca is known for its open
meadows, bubbling creeks and excellent trails. Meadows are decked out in
shades of chiffon yellow with Johnny jump-up (Viola pedunculata), cream cups
(Platystemon californicus), and buttercup (Ranunculus californica).
Spreading over the slopes above the meadows are masses of goldfields (
Lasthenia sp.). with pink checkerbloom (Sidalcea malvaeflora), California
Poppy (Eschscholzia californica), and white popcorn flower (Plagiobothrys sp
.) scttered about.
3. Anza Boreego
On the way into Anza Borrego Desert State Park along the Montezuma Valley
Road, the display of heart-leaved primrose (Camissonia cardiophylla)
continues to be spectacular. On the rocky cliffs, some plants are nearly
three feet tall. The yellow flowers, which will turn red with age, are being
joined by the orange blossoms of apricot mallow (Sphaeralcea ambigua). Use
the turnouts to stop for a close-up photo of these showy plants, and notice
the tiny blue flowers of the few-flowered wreath-plant (Stephanomeria
pauciflora). Nearby you will find the yellow green inflated fruit on the
thick-leaved ground cherry (Physalis crassifolia). On the Valley floor, the
bloom of wildflowers is fading, but in Desert Gardens, red blooms at the
tips of Ocotillo (Fouquieria splendens), and deep dark blue flowers on the
indigo bush (Psorothamnus schottii) are still coloring the landscape. There
are yellow flowers on the barrel cactus (Ferrocactus cylindraceus), and the
creosote bush (Larrea tridentata). On your walk to look for flowers, you may
find yourself in the company of a good number of birds feasting on the
fruits and seeds of desert’s bounty.
发帖数: 1676
1 (共1页)
这周末组织去羚羊谷看花怎么样马上要搬来San Diego啦,大家能建议下住哪儿么?
想去看花呢, 怎么老下雨吼一声!有没有在San Marcos和San Elijo的妈妈们么?
带2岁多的小朋友去balboa park玩“枪换礼物”活动刚刚收回899把枪
跟风问一下san elijo hills吧正本清源——水军的前世今生
Cardiff Seaside Market $5 for $10 giftcard喜欢多雨的冬天
San Elijo的房子怎样?wild wildflowers update
San Elijo Hills[wild wildflowers] Torrey Pines
话题: san话题: trails话题: diego话题: canyon话题: trail