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SanDiego版 - 鸦片国首相不顾中共抗议戴罂粟花进人民大会堂ZZbloomberg
more california poppies迟到地南加野花报告
CNN现在重播采访James Cameron larry king live (转载)羚羊谷宣布野花达到peak了
Santa Rosa Plateau 寻花,失败 。。。谁在编造谎言? 分析wql的所谓证据 (转载)
Sat, April 10, Wid Flowers @ Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve谁在编造谎言? 分析wql的所谓证据(part 2) (转载)
太盲了刚刚才看见版大的看花活动贴专业排球/沙滩排球教练--原国家男排主力李桦执教 (转载)
***请周六在Antelope Valley一起拍合影的ID看过来***鸦片国这场秀搞得还算热闹
4/18 Sunday Antelope valley poppy reserve海边停车卡涨价了???
关于Antelope Valley附近的一些花点。。 (转载)Pfizer Plans to Relocate to UK to Cut Tax Rate in Half
话题: chinese话题: britain话题: beijing话题: cameron话题: british
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 16403
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: gc01 (gc01), 信区: Military
标 题: 鸦片国首相不顾中共抗议戴罂粟花进人民大会堂ZZbloomberg
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Nov 9 21:29:20 2010, 美东)
Cameron Risks Spat With Chinese by Wearing Poppy During Visit
U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron resisted a request from Chinese
officials yesterday to remove the poppy symbol that Britons wear every
November in memory of their war dead during his visit to Beijing.
Poppies have been Britain’s symbol of remembrance since World War I,
when the flowers grew on battlefields. The Royal British Legion sells
paper poppies in November to raise funds for veterans in the run-up to
Armistice Day on Nov. 11.
The flower has a different resonance in China, which fought and lost two
Opium Wars with Britain in the 19th century. Those resulted in the U.K.
forcing the Chinese to open their borders to trade, including in the
narcotic derived from the poppy. Britain also gained the territory of
Hong Kong, which was not handed back to China until 1997.
Two British officials familiar with the matter said the Chinese had
requested the prime minister and his delegation remove the poppies from
their lapels before they arrived yesterday at the Great Hall of the
People in Beijing, where Cameron was greeted by Premier Wen Jiabao and
inspected an honor guard of the People’s Liberation Army. The U.K.
government refused, on the grounds that the symbol was important to
This year is the 150th anniversary of the Second Opium War, which ended
when the British and French armies arrived in Peking, as Beijing was
then known, and destroyed the emperor’s Summer Palace to remind the
Chinese of their defeat.
发帖数: 1213
it seems wen doesn't care

【在 c******n 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
: 发信人: gc01 (gc01), 信区: Military
: 标 题: 鸦片国首相不顾中共抗议戴罂粟花进人民大会堂ZZbloomberg
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Nov 9 21:29:20 2010, 美东)
: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-11-09/cameron-risks-spat-with-
: chinese-by-wearing-poppy-during-visit-to-beijing.html
: Cameron Risks Spat With Chinese by Wearing Poppy During Visit
: U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron resisted a request from Chinese
: officials yesterday to remove the poppy symbol that Britons wear every
: November in memory of their war dead during his visit to Beijing.

1 (共1页)
Pfizer Plans to Relocate to UK to Cut Tax Rate in Half太盲了刚刚才看见版大的看花活动贴
鸦片国首相不顾中共抗议戴罂粟花进人民大会堂ZZbloomberg***请周六在Antelope Valley一起拍合影的ID看过来***
卡梅隆试图为英国自行车队作弊开脱4/18 Sunday Antelope valley poppy reserve
11年11月,中方要求英首相和大臣摘掉让人想起鸦片战争的罂粟花关于Antelope Valley附近的一些花点。。 (转载)
more california poppies迟到地南加野花报告
CNN现在重播采访James Cameron larry king live (转载)羚羊谷宣布野花达到peak了
Santa Rosa Plateau 寻花,失败 。。。谁在编造谎言? 分析wql的所谓证据 (转载)
Sat, April 10, Wid Flowers @ Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve谁在编造谎言? 分析wql的所谓证据(part 2) (转载)
话题: chinese话题: britain话题: beijing话题: cameron话题: british