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SanDiego版 - 婚姻倦怠者和想离婚的人应该看的一个寓言
有人在 Summerset 公寓租过房子吗??日记-07/02/2013 how to find prince charming :) (转载)
南加华人无工作,“大师兄”餐车日记-07/02/2013 how to find prince charming :) (转载)
小弟下周去SD一周,请推荐玩的地方日记-07/02/2013 how to find prince charming :)
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话题: farmer话题: goose话题: eggs话题: golden话题: he
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 22
Do you know Aesop's fable about the goose and the golden eggs? The fable is
about a poor farmer who discovers that his goose is laying golden eggs.
At first the farmer thinks it must be a trick. But when he gets the eggs
appraised, he learns that they're pure gold!
The farmer can't believe it. And he gets even more excited when he realizes
the goose is laying golden eggs EVERYDAY. Eventually, the farmer becomes
fabulously wealthy.
But the farmer tires of caring for the goose and waiting day afte
1 (共1页)
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有人在 Summerset 公寓租过房子吗??日记-07/02/2013 how to find prince charming :) (转载)
南加华人无工作,“大师兄”餐车日记-07/02/2013 how to find prince charming :) (转载)
小弟下周去SD一周,请推荐玩的地方日记-07/02/2013 how to find prince charming :)
A shared room near UCSD for female枪手是共产主义战士还是纳粹?
话题: farmer话题: goose话题: eggs话题: golden话题: he