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Salon版 - 跟一个白人校友的一些对话 (转载)
credible reports for June4th柴玲到美国以后的日子,估计没几个人知道 (转载)
cnn头条是 China's youth post-Tiananmen: Apathy a fact or front?What I Saw at Tiananmen (zz)
China's youth post-Tiananmen: Apathy a fact or front?在历史的大背景下理解维吾尔族的不满和独立要求
达赖喇嘛对纪念六四二十周年的声明Japan & China Releases 3-year Study on History
视频:方政和封丛德谈六四死亡人数Condi Rice: 中国不能领导将来知识领域的革命 (转载)
Top 10 Government Crimes:No. 8 - Tiananmen Square卡扎菲说: 天安门镇压有利国家统一
波士顿环球报6月7日评柴玲:Beijing lesson unlearned天安门母亲
二十年Wikileaks: no bloodshed inside Tiananmen Square (转载)
话题: jimmy话题: what话题: his话题: apology话题: chinese
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3205
【 以下文字转载自 Arizona 讨论区 】
发信人: GoBlue (Wolverines), 信区: Arizona
标 题: 跟一个白人校友的一些对话
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Nov 9 23:21:29 2013, 美东)
我:C, his apology wasn't sincere if read his words carefully. It's a fake
apology. And the key is ABC allowed to air the video.
C: lol you want to change what's in Jimmy's heart, J? I think M put it
M: C, J just use the official way to explain...But me, since we are friends,
I told you what I actually thought. lol
我:As many others had said, if anyone has some kind of empathy or just puts
his/her own shoes into others, then you might not believe his apology is
enough. Assume his topic were to kill anyone in Israel, or Japan, any other
countries that America owns debt, then what would you expect? Or, kill
anyone such as blacks, Jews, or other minorities, what will they response to
? Since you are a white guy, you don't have to worry about this kind of
prejudice or racial threat. Please remember those killings happened in
Southeastern countries in the last several decades, especially the brutality
of the Indonesian massacre in 1998 (if you don't know, just google or wiki
it). Of course, you might want to mention the 1989 Tiananmen Square event.
Yes, we hold the same sentiment that killing made the situation out of
control and the history will record it. But for now, we need to prevent
future tragedy.
Hey I just read what you wrote on Ms picture. I'll totally agree with you
that Jimmy Kimmel was being a dumb comedian, but no way does he want to
literally kill Chinese people. Do you really think that?
我:yes, he is smart and chose not to say the words directly, instead by
using the kid. But, once the video aired there dumb guys will take the idea
and turn to hate Chinese. And thus, it is totally out of Jimmy Kimmel's
control or it's what ABC likes?
1 (共1页)
Wikileaks: no bloodshed inside Tiananmen Square (转载)视频:方政和封丛德谈六四死亡人数
程仁兴六四凌晨死在广场 (转载)Top 10 Government Crimes:No. 8 - Tiananmen Square
jimmy kimmel 可能要感谢华人游行。波士顿环球报6月7日评柴玲:Beijing lesson unlearned
跟一个白人校友的一些对话 (转载)二十年
credible reports for June4th柴玲到美国以后的日子,估计没几个人知道 (转载)
cnn头条是 China's youth post-Tiananmen: Apathy a fact or front?What I Saw at Tiananmen (zz)
China's youth post-Tiananmen: Apathy a fact or front?在历史的大背景下理解维吾尔族的不满和独立要求
达赖喇嘛对纪念六四二十周年的声明Japan & China Releases 3-year Study on History
话题: jimmy话题: what话题: his话题: apology话题: chinese