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Salon版 - The turning-points of the world powers!!!
美国“变种”社会主义:专益华尔街 (转载)The turning-points of the world powers!!!
问:戒严前喊李鹏下台和打倒刘少奇有啥区别Now, it is the time for China!!!!!
看看这位米国人咋评价苏联-俄罗斯Now, it is the time for China!!!!!
China Empire Bulge at SeamsWorld Wars
我的伟大唱响:UPC= United Provinces of China工业化带来的尊严----气壮山河的前30年
美国网民谈“中美开战”, 美国向中国同时投1500颗核弹“占领华尔街”运动背后的经济背景 (转载)
918 nuclear bomb Japan高校丧失自主权:1952年院系调整回眸
China turns up heat on Taiwan to talk politics元首为啥不打火鸡国呢?
话题: ussr话题: turning话题: powers话题: usa话题: world
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3978
The turning-point of the world powers
1) Cuban missile crisis:
Since 1917, USSR started to rise from the bottom to the peak at the time of
Cuban missile crisis. Because the USSR's leader is a coward. It is the
turning point for USSR heading into a downhill route.
2) Berlin Wall torn-down:
Is the turning point for the final collapse of USSR, because USSR has
completely given up its value and adopted the American Value.
3) Economic crisis in 2008:
USA started rising from the beginning of the 20th century through WWI and
WWII. USA has reached its peak in 2008. Now, USA is in the down-hill route.
1 (共1页)
元首为啥不打火鸡国呢?我的伟大唱响:UPC= United Provinces of China
再问中西人种差别:西方人对蛋白质利用效率高?美国网民谈“中美开战”, 美国向中国同时投1500颗核弹
国共两党最后时期算不算穷兵黩武???918 nuclear bomb Japan
其实美军的战斗力被过度神话了China turns up heat on Taiwan to talk politics
美国“变种”社会主义:专益华尔街 (转载)The turning-points of the world powers!!!
问:戒严前喊李鹏下台和打倒刘少奇有啥区别Now, it is the time for China!!!!!
看看这位米国人咋评价苏联-俄罗斯Now, it is the time for China!!!!!
China Empire Bulge at SeamsWorld Wars
话题: ussr话题: turning话题: powers话题: usa话题: world