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Running版 - Nausea and vomiting
跑步右腹痛rule #53 of running
有人早上空腹跑吗?When to eat after running?
how to deal with stomach shut down?(Ladies Only) The 6 Grossest Things About Running
奔一个[跑够了]20mile long run
新人首马,DC Rock 'n' Roll USA Marathon 2014messages of LT100 pre race briefing
话题: stomach话题: nausea话题: your话题: some话题: runners
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发帖数: 2077
This is a particularly vexing problem; nothing will shut you down faster
than a bout of nausea. The causes of nausea are many. They include
dehydration, running too fast (relative to your ability and training),
electrolyte depletion, overeating, and sometimes, simple exhaustion.
In many cases it is simply your body抯 way of protecting itself. When the
body gets into extreme situations, it automatically starts shutting down non
-essential systems to protect the vital organs (heart, liver, kidneys, etc.)
. One of the first systems that it typically shuts down is the
gastrointestinal tract. As you keep running, your muscles are calling for
more energy and more fluids. So you continue to eat and drink. But as your
gastrointestinal system is shutting down, it no longer is processing the
food and drink (or is doing so at a significantly reduced rate). You will
often experience a sensation that is described as a "sloshy" stomach.
Eventually, all that non-processed food and drink has to go somewhere and so
it comes back up.
How do you prevent bouts of nausea? There are no sure-fire cures.
Directionally, it seems to help many runners to eat solid foods periodically
from the start of the Run. Upon the first symptoms ("sloshy" stomach, or
queasiness), slow down. Better to give up a few minutes the next few miles
than to spend a couple of hours later on in a chair somewhere. Many runners
have reported that taking additional salt at this point helps empty their
stomach. Sometimes sucking on ice chips can help. Some report that eating
something really bland, like a couple of slices of bread, will help.
Carbonated sodas like 7-Up sometimes help. Burping or belching is generally
considered a good sign - an indication that your stomach is processing stuff
again. DO NOT eat or drink anything new on Run day. This is not the time to
What do you do after you have started throwing up? Again there is no
absolute consensus. Some runners recommend trying to get it all out of your
system. Stop and sit for a while if you have to, but try to keep moving at
whatever pace you can muster. Vomiting will empty your stomach of both food
and fluids. At some point - the sooner the better - you will need to replace
them. Energy gels, such as GU, PowerGel, or ClifShot, are designed to be
eaten on an empty stomach. And your stomach will probably never be emptier
than this! GU comes in an unflavored version, which may be the most
palatable on a nauseous stomach. It is important to try to start eating and
drinking again as soon as you can. Once you have vomited enough to have
emptied your stomach, you probably only will have 2-3 hours of energy left
in your system; if you don抰 start generating new energy sources you will
probably not be able to continue much beyond that. Some runners report that
once they get everything out of their system, they start to feel much better
in about an hour. Others take many hours to recover. Let抯 hope that if
this happens to you, you are among the former!
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messages of LT100 pre race briefing雨中long
有人跑过Beer Mile吗?奔一个
[合集] 今天再给你们老军医一下吧新人首马,DC Rock 'n' Roll USA Marathon 2014
跑步右腹痛rule #53 of running
有人早上空腹跑吗?When to eat after running?
how to deal with stomach shut down?(Ladies Only) The 6 Grossest Things About Running
话题: stomach话题: nausea话题: your话题: some话题: runners