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Running版 - CIM hotel info
My first 26.2CIM报告
纽约挂课的各位,2010 CIM, 欢迎大家来北加州[合集] 大家给推荐一个Marothon training program吧,多谢!
CIM人真多阿!报名什么时候截至阿?[合集] 请教一下训练计划
CIMer's: are you ready for the fun?弱问有关WHX有关push自己的问题
今年CIM气温要record low了,accuweather上说29F芝加哥马拉松现场报道:mark 同学风采依旧!
一起奔跑 - 2012 CIMdress rehearsal
风雨兼程 - 2012 加马汇报CIM是不是没有半马?
话题: folsom话题: cim话题: stay话题: last话题: tent
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 76
Share the following with those who are going to run CIM:
If you stay in a Folsom hotel (e.g. The Larkspur Landing Folsom, which i
booked), you'll be entitled to stay in the Folsom hospitality tent before
the race in the morning (12/4). It's a warm tent w privatetoilets. I ran my
first marathon last year CIM and just happened to stay in Folsom and found
the'secret'. Last year the weather was great. But I could imagine it would
have made a great difference if the weather was bad.
发帖数: 416
Tempting. Do them offer bus ride from the finish line back to the start line


【在 n***z 的大作中提到】
: Share the following with those who are going to run CIM:
: If you stay in a Folsom hotel (e.g. The Larkspur Landing Folsom, which i
: booked), you'll be entitled to stay in the Folsom hospitality tent before
: the race in the morning (12/4). It's a warm tent w privatetoilets. I ran my
: first marathon last year CIM and just happened to stay in Folsom and found
: the'secret'. Last year the weather was great. But I could imagine it would
: have made a great difference if the weather was bad.

1 (共1页)
啦啦啦好爽啊!今年CIM气温要record low了,accuweather上说29F
非report,更新(小黑真没谱)一起奔跑 - 2012 CIM
Pleasantly tired after SVM风雨兼程 - 2012 加马汇报
新人报道 第一篇CIM马拉松接力
My first 26.2CIM报告
纽约挂课的各位,2010 CIM, 欢迎大家来北加州[合集] 大家给推荐一个Marothon training program吧,多谢!
CIM人真多阿!报名什么时候截至阿?[合集] 请教一下训练计划
CIMer's: are you ready for the fun?弱问有关WHX有关push自己的问题
话题: folsom话题: cim话题: stay话题: last话题: tent