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Running版 - At the Marathon, the President of Mile 8
NYCM live tracking[NYCM race report] 心碎第五大道
3大满贯 赛 Chicago-New York City- CIM新人报道+NYCM简报
向准备跑NYC的同学们强烈推荐纪录片Run for your life - Documentary film by Judd Ehrlich about the life of Fred LebowNYCM 报告
2008 NYC Marathon照片纽约体会
[Race Report] Final tune up race before NYCM: Music City HalfNYCM聚会小记
还乡了还乡乐,周六约跑NYCM最后11MileNew York City Marathon Report
race report: Huntington Beach ITBS 10 mile run你们在NYCM有见到Edward Norton么?
跑的是寂寞 - lake shore 50K2009 ING NYCM - A Festival-1
话题: mile话题: marathon话题: president话题: nycm话题: volunteers
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 558
NY Times runs a story of a NYCM volunteer. Her son was hit by a car while
she was setting up water table for the athletes and suffered from brain
damage. But she has kept working as a volunteer for NYCM since 1979 and now
directs the fluid station at Mile 8. Runners should say thank you to her at
mile 8. Salute to all the volunteers.
发帖数: 516
Thanks to all volunteers.
发帖数: 980
Solute to all volunteers.
By the way, Tuniao will be a volunteer at 2011 NYCM.

she was setting up water table for the athletes and suffered from brain
damage. But she has kept working as a volunteer for NYCM since 1979 and now

【在 D*****t 的大作中提到】
: NY Times runs a story of a NYCM volunteer. Her son was hit by a car while
: she was setting up water table for the athletes and suffered from brain
: damage. But she has kept working as a volunteer for NYCM since 1979 and now
: directs the fluid station at Mile 8. Runners should say thank you to her at
: mile 8. Salute to all the volunteers.
: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/03/nyregion/03about.html?src=mv&ref=nyregion

1 (共1页)
2009 ING NYCM - A Festival-1[Race Report] Final tune up race before NYCM: Music City Half
2009 ING NYCM - A Festival-2还乡了还乡乐,周六约跑NYCM最后11Mile
2009 ING NYCM - A Festival-3race report: Huntington Beach ITBS 10 mile run
I am up for CIM, any advice is welcome跑的是寂寞 - lake shore 50K
NYCM live tracking[NYCM race report] 心碎第五大道
3大满贯 赛 Chicago-New York City- CIM新人报道+NYCM简报
向准备跑NYC的同学们强烈推荐纪录片Run for your life - Documentary film by Judd Ehrlich about the life of Fred LebowNYCM 报告
2008 NYC Marathon照片纽约体会
话题: mile话题: marathon话题: president话题: nycm话题: volunteers