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RisingChina版 - My slogons suggestions
Jap's textbook on Nanking Massacrejapantoday 对Iris Chang的报道,和一些TomCat
NANKING MASSACRE -- THE JAPANESE VERSIONSNanjing Massacre claims another life Z TomCat
反击倭寇无耻留言--amazon book review我列了个书目可以介绍给周围的美国人
Tokyo court rejects Chinese appeal怎样反击这篇否认南京大屠杀歪曲抗日战争的美国报纸文章
A very good article to share with you《南京!南京!》观前感
Join me in a small anti-J Project印度做世界工厂还是算了吧
本版声援四二二游行集思广益合集(二) expressy熬夜做了个ppt准备周二讲演, 请大家指点
Scarred by history: The Rape of NanjingMichigan反ZD集会流水帐 (转载)
话题: japan话题: my话题: nazis话题: history话题: slogons
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 259
Japan Prime Minister HONORs BABY KILLERS, RAPERS, and NAZIs!
They PRETEND civil again like before the PERL HARBOR.
Japan "regrets" war atrocities by whitewashing them.
NO permanent U.N. security seat for Japan!
They learned from China but killed 20 million Chinese.
They only remember Atomic Bombs, not their own CRIMES!
MASSACRE of 300,000 Nanking civillians IS NOT an INCIDENT!
Honor American Flying Tigers, not Japanese Nazis!
To justify a PAST crime is to plot a FUTURE
发帖数: 491
my 2 cents:
try to shorten some of these, maybe with graphic...
"Sex Slaves =x= Volunteers"
it would be more readable on the streets of protesting...

【在 o******r 的大作中提到】
: Japan Prime Minister HONORs BABY KILLERS, RAPERS, and NAZIs!
: They PRETEND civil again like before the PERL HARBOR.
: Japan "regrets" war atrocities by whitewashing them.
: NO permanent U.N. security seat for Japan!
: They learned from China but killed 20 million Chinese.
: They only remember Atomic Bombs, not their own CRIMES!
: MASSACRE of 300,000 Nanking civillians IS NOT an INCIDENT!
: Honor American Flying Tigers, not Japanese Nazis!
: To justify a PAST crime is to plot a FUTURE

发帖数: 491
just googled some history related quotes:
What we do about history matters.
by Gerda Lerner
those who forget the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them
Gustave Flaubert:
Our ignorance of history causes us to slander our own times.
发帖数: 27062
massacre denial: Japan is writing its war crimes out of history
those who forget the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them
发帖数: 491
the second is not entirely accurate...but you can google it
I think it would be cool to present/sell Iris Chang's Rape of Nanking at the
protest too.
and maybe quote her words on "a second rape" something like that
I don't have the book with me now...who can find it out?

【在 m**e 的大作中提到】
: 我那个跟zeze的可以连起来
: massacre denial: Japan is writing its war crimes out of history
: those who forget the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them

发帖数: 491
BTW. I think it would be very easy to read and very effective
to have giant numbers at the protest
numbers of children killed in Nanjing/China
things like that
It's fact, rather than "political opinions"...It talks for itself
在 zeze (泽泽 {温暖安静的春天}) 的大作中提到: 】
发帖数: 491
and something very visual to communicate the idea of
killing, torturing and all..
say, use black color
red color on the font and the words sort of bleed
big X sign on the numbers to show that those are "dead" "gone"
brainstorming ah...

【在 z**e 的大作中提到】
: BTW. I think it would be very easy to read and very effective
: to have giant numbers at the protest
: like
: 300,000
: 20million(?)
: numbers of children killed in Nanjing/China
: things like that
: It's fact, rather than "political opinions"...It talks for itself
: 在 zeze (泽泽 {温暖安静的春天}) 的大作中提到: 】

发帖数: 491
some slogan ideas
My english is not very good...just some ideas
1. They Think They Can WIPE the Fact (history)
2. Blood can't be WIPED
3. They honor the KILLER, who honors the victims?
4. It's time to let the world KNOW, It's time to say NO
5. Money/Power can't buy them a UN seat!
6. They bow to everybody, but never to their Victims!
7. History causes Future
8. Stop fooling the world
9. Invasion should not be justified!
some of them don't look very clear...but I am trying to keep them short

【在 z**e 的大作中提到】
: and something very visual to communicate the idea of
: killing, torturing and all..
: say, use black color
: red color on the font and the words sort of bleed
: big X sign on the numbers to show that those are "dead" "gone"
: ...
: brainstorming ah...

发帖数: 27062
No Pasaran!
(meaning they shall not pass,
上次法国总统大选,反le pen的游行者也用过,
Japan lies to win votes(这个对吗?能用吗?)
Alert the Japanese NAZI under cover! (这个对吗?能用吗?)
发帖数: 491
10. Some Nazis(?...) refused to appologize!(witten) (who can help me sort
this one out?)
11. Asia Says NO!
12. Asia Does not Forget!
13. The dead children cry NO!
14. It's not Politics. It's Human!
15. Stop here, and look BACK honestly!
16. Germans feel shamed, Japanese don't know what happened...(so bad...just a thought...)
17. No Confession, No Future!
18. No Confession, No Peace!
19. No Confession. No Pasaran!(spell?)
20. Do 20000000 lives count? (20 million?)
21. UN Security Council is NO

【在 z**e 的大作中提到】
: some slogan ideas
: My english is not very good...just some ideas
: 1. They Think They Can WIPE the Fact (history)
: 2. Blood can't be WIPED
: 3. They honor the KILLER, who honors the victims?
: 4. It's time to let the world KNOW, It's time to say NO
: 5. Money/Power can't buy them a UN seat!
: 6. They bow to everybody, but never to their Victims!
: 7. History causes Future
: 8. Stop fooling the world

发帖数: 1203
"Shame for Enshrining anit-humanity war criminals!"
"We don't accept "Sympathy" as aplology!"
"Remove Japan WMD from China NOW!"
"Sex Slaves are Voluneers?"

【在 z**e 的大作中提到】
: 10. Some Nazis(?...) refused to appologize!(witten) (who can help me sort
: this one out?)
: 11. Asia Says NO!
: 12. Asia Does not Forget!
: 13. The dead children cry NO!
: 14. It's not Politics. It's Human!
: 15. Stop here, and look BACK honestly!
: 16. Germans feel shamed, Japanese don't know what happened...(so bad...just a thought...)
: 17. No Confession, No Future!
: 18. No Confession, No Peace!

1 (共1页)
Michigan反ZD集会流水帐 (转载)A very good article to share with you
38 Quotes About RepublicansJoin me in a small anti-J Project
Boycott abc tv program for a year 拒看abc (帮我顶起来)本版声援四二二游行集思广益合集(二) expressy
https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/investigate-jimm Scarred by history: The Rape of Nanjing
Jap's textbook on Nanking Massacrejapantoday 对Iris Chang的报道,和一些TomCat
NANKING MASSACRE -- THE JAPANESE VERSIONSNanjing Massacre claims another life Z TomCat
反击倭寇无耻留言--amazon book review我列了个书目可以介绍给周围的美国人
Tokyo court rejects Chinese appeal怎样反击这篇否认南京大屠杀歪曲抗日战争的美国报纸文章
话题: japan话题: my话题: nazis话题: history话题: slogons