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Reunion版 - 大家帮忙看看我的邀请信。多谢指教!
My Invitation letterCan I invite my brother to visit me?
大家看看这个给VO的信可行吗? 谢谢沈阳B2父母1000顺利通过-附签经和邀请信模板
Parents B-2 denied -- 申诉信范本@physics父母探亲B2签证,邀请信求修改
2000申诉信Re: 岳父岳母广州2000过请帮忙看一下我的邀请信,看看有什么points需要加
话题: xxx话题: parents话题: states话题: united话题: china
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 22
Dear Sir/Madam,
This letter is written for inviting XXX’s parents to visit us in the United
States of America in the winter of 2012.
XXX currently is a research associate scientist in Stanford University. We
have lived in the United States for more than six years. Due to the busy
schedule of the research projects that need continuously close care, in the
past years we were only able to go back to China in 2008 to visit families.
Though often telephones and emails, we couldn't help feel that the family
has been separated for too long.
We therefore would like to invite XXX's parents to come to visit us in this
year. The coming holiday season gives us more free time to accompany our
parents. There will also be many events to entertain them around the Thanks
giving day, the Christmas day, and the New year day. We are excited to
introduce them to this beautiful country with diverse cultures.
XXX's parents will be staying with us for about four months. They will then
go back to China to continue their aid in XXX's sister's business. In China,
XXX's parents actively participate in community activities, such as the
Taiji performance, where they can meet their close friends. Those activities
have been an integrative part of their everyday lives.
We would greatly appreciate if you could grant visas to our parents. We are
looking forward to seeing them in the United States and shall provide all
the financial support for their visit.
We wish all the best to you and your family.
Yours sincerely,
1 (共1页)
成都二签的材料准备-更新Parents B-2 denied -- 申诉信范本@physics
J1 签证,明年初到期,为父母申请探B2亲签证邀请函 ,求修改,我父母签证清单3/11北京
给父母的邀请信里面可以提到生宝宝吗2000申诉信Re: 岳父岳母广州2000过
妈妈22号北京签证情况 - 给签证官的信在美国机场有什么办法可以把父母一直送到登机口么
My Invitation letterCan I invite my brother to visit me?
大家看看这个给VO的信可行吗? 谢谢沈阳B2父母1000顺利通过-附签经和邀请信模板
话题: xxx话题: parents话题: states话题: united话题: china