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Reader版 - [转载] 给8,9岁的小孩买什么书好?
推荐Lady Chatterley's Loverthe name of the rose
Re: UK Le Guin & others, fantasy or notOn Beckett (1)
英文系怎么办?ZNGA OK!
求教一句英语: Bilbo的演说辞据说国家队开始跑路了
给四岁小孩儿的图画书Biochem j 是个怎么样的期刊?中低档?
[转载] 数学的精神----(序)[八月路漫漫] A Hobbit On the Road
[转载] 老问题新华社:恶意做空人民币或面临法律严惩
话题: 书好话题: little话题: 小孩话题: happy话题: hobbit
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 58
【 以下文字转载自 Family 讨论区,原文如下 】
发信人: work (fufu), 信区: Family
标 题: 给8,9岁的小孩买什么书好?
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Fri Jul 18 13:44:27 2003) WWW-POST
发帖数: 720
winnie the pooh
wizard of oz
alice in the wonderland and through looking glass
secret garden
little women (or little men)
the hobbit
little prince
abridged dickens

【在 w**k 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Family 讨论区,原文如下 】
: 发信人: work (fufu), 信区: Family
: 标 题: 给8,9岁的小孩买什么书好?
: 发信站: The unknown SPACE (Fri Jul 18 13:44:27 2003) WWW-POST
: 姐姐让买,学英文的小孩书或磁带,大家请推荐一下

发帖数: 720
not related w/ literature at all.. just had an unhealthy obsession with
English classics and it ran many years back, ever since I ignored all
translation works instead stuck to the original out of outlandish curiosity, &
schoolgirlish vanity.
发帖数: 183
Wow, I also thought you are majoring in literature, surprise! 更加的佩服/
btw, hobbit is an excellent choice. I like it better than the trilogy.


【在 or 的大作中提到】
: not related w/ literature at all.. just had an unhealthy obsession with
: English classics and it ran many years back, ever since I ignored all
: translation works instead stuck to the original out of outlandish curiosity, &
: schoolgirlish vanity.

发帖数: 3419
if a girl, Nancy drew; if a boy, hardy boy.
Once I asked an american friend what they were reading when they were childre
n. He told me Nancy Drew for girls and Hardy boy for boys.
These two mystery series seem very popular at least in America and even in I
ndia(Gosh, India gave me a lot of suprises since I got america).

【在 w**k 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Family 讨论区,原文如下 】
: 发信人: work (fufu), 信区: Family
: 标 题: 给8,9岁的小孩买什么书好?
: 发信站: The unknown SPACE (Fri Jul 18 13:44:27 2003) WWW-POST
: 姐姐让买,学英文的小孩书或磁带,大家请推荐一下

发帖数: 3419

winnie the pooh is great
I'm dunno about peanuts, that might not interest a kid as much
wizard of oz is perfect too
the hobbit, or alice in wonderland are the picks
that is also good
heidi is a little too happy for me
not "happy"
but it's that kind of story
it's good
it's very famous, very popular
my mom LOVES it
is the pick
I read that when I was very young
and I reread it many times
I've read some of it
it's a little too sad, I think
it's french, originally
dickens may be a little difficu

【在 or 的大作中提到】
: winnie the pooh
: peanuts
: wizard of oz
: alice in the wonderland and through looking glass
: secret garden
: herdi
: little women (or little men)
: the hobbit
: little prince
: abridged dickens

发帖数: 491


【在 or 的大作中提到】
: winnie the pooh
: peanuts
: wizard of oz
: alice in the wonderland and through looking glass
: secret garden
: herdi
: little women (or little men)
: the hobbit
: little prince
: abridged dickens

发帖数: 491

【在 z**e 的大作中提到】
: @@,这个我看都需要字典阿。。。。FT

发帖数: 58
Great. Need to check wallet to see if I have enough money.

【在 x*****u 的大作中提到】
: ZZ:
: winnie the pooh is great
: I'm dunno about peanuts, that might not interest a kid as much
: wizard of oz is perfect too
: the hobbit, or alice in wonderland are the picks
: that is also good
: heidi is a little too happy for me
: not "happy"
: but it's that kind of story

发帖数: 720
I didn't know "Herdi" was that gleeful. It was one of books I wanted to read
yet got distracted by other things. And years after, I picked up the same
novel, found it not attractive any more. Come to think of it, the magic of
reading in young days is that you fully enjoyed a book, participated in the
story, eyes wide, adventuring in a strange world. Pure joy and eagerness.
Few speculations. A novel was a road, you walked on it and went wherever it
lead to.

【在 x*****u 的大作中提到】
: ZZ:
: winnie the pooh is great
: I'm dunno about peanuts, that might not interest a kid as much
: wizard of oz is perfect too
: the hobbit, or alice in wonderland are the picks
: that is also good
: heidi is a little too happy for me
: not "happy"
: but it's that kind of story

发帖数: 3419
hehe, look:
- not happy but happy?
- well, you know how some stories are unrealistic because everything is too
oddly happy?
even the problems are happy problems?
- no. like what?
- well, like people say things like, "oh, grandfather... is mommy in Heaven
now??" "Oh, yes. She's smiling down at you now."

【在 or 的大作中提到】
: I didn't know "Herdi" was that gleeful. It was one of books I wanted to read
: yet got distracted by other things. And years after, I picked up the same
: novel, found it not attractive any more. Come to think of it, the magic of
: reading in young days is that you fully enjoyed a book, participated in the
: story, eyes wide, adventuring in a strange world. Pure joy and eagerness.
: Few speculations. A novel was a road, you walked on it and went wherever it
: lead to.

发帖数: 437
little prince

【在 w**k 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Family 讨论区,原文如下 】
: 发信人: work (fufu), 信区: Family
: 标 题: 给8,9岁的小孩买什么书好?
: 发信站: The unknown SPACE (Fri Jul 18 13:44:27 2003) WWW-POST
: 姐姐让买,学英文的小孩书或磁带,大家请推荐一下

1 (共1页)
新华社:恶意做空人民币或面临法律严惩求教一句英语: Bilbo的演说辞
中国放狠话了:做空人民币或面临法律严惩 (转载)给四岁小孩儿的图画书
Jesse Livermore On Loss and Tips[转载] 数学的精神----(序)
投资不是投机。 Too many speculators here.[转载] 老问题
推荐Lady Chatterley's Loverthe name of the rose
Re: UK Le Guin & others, fantasy or notOn Beckett (1)
英文系怎么办?ZNGA OK!
话题: 书好话题: little话题: 小孩话题: happy话题: hobbit