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QueerNews版 - Chile: Gay scarred with swastikas after homophobic attack
[美联社]Chilean leaders condemn brutal beating of gay manStonewall releases guide for homophobic crime victims
Recent Death of Gay Man Sparks Public Outcry in ChileColin Farrell supports anti-homophobia campaign
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话题: swastikas话题: gay话题: movilh话题: his话题: chile
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发帖数: 2153
The cause of a young gay man in Chile who was attacked and will be left
permanently scarred with swastikas on his chest has prompted an outcry for
hate crime laws in the South American country.
Daniel Zamudio, 24, was attacked in Santiago at the weekend by an
unidentified group.
His leg was broken and he suffered severe head injuries. He is now in a
medically-induced coma.
Doctors said swastikas drawn on his chest with a knife would leave mild
scars, the Santiago Times reported.
Mr Zamudio’s parents believe his assailants were neo-Nazis and said he had
been threatened before.
Chilean gay advocacy group Movilh is appealing for witnesses.
Rolando Jimenez, president of Movilh, told the press: “We will file
appropriate legal action on Thursday or Friday of this week and we’re
asking for an urgent meeting with the Interior Minister.
“The Chilean state cannot afford to have a passive attitude about violence
toward homosexuals.”
Rodrigo Hinzpeter, the country’s Interior Minister, said “added urgency”
would be given to an anti-discrimination law currently making its way
through the legislature.
In a statement, he said: “There is nothing more detestable than to build a
fraternal society that disrespects and disregards diversity.
“I think the violence displayed in attacking Daniel Zamudio for his sexual
orientation is behavior that, as a society, we need to eradicate once and
for all.”
According to the BBC, Mr Hinzpeter also backed calls for hate crime laws.
Gay artist Ricky Martin tweeted in Spanish yesterday: “No more hatred, no
more discrimination. I hope that justice is done NOW. Lots of light to
Daniel and his whole family. #strengthdanielzamudio”
Jaime Parada, also of Movilh, told The Santiago Times: “This was a
completely irrational action done by a group of very sick people. For us at
Movilh, this is a very grave situation. It’s very sad for society.”http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2012/03/07/chile-gay-man-scarred-with-swastikas-after-homophobic-attack/
1 (共1页)
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[美联社]Chilean leaders condemn brutal beating of gay manStonewall releases guide for homophobic crime victims
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话题: swastikas话题: gay话题: movilh话题: his话题: chile