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QueerNews版 - 盐湖城被评为最Gay城市
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话题: gay话题: lgbt话题: cities话题: city话题: pride
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2202
Advocate mag 评的,现在也引起了不少争议。在utah这个摩门保守州的最gay城市,让
15. Denver
"Denver is simultaneously outdoorsy and a rapidly growing metropolis,
and its attitude is exceptionally laid-back and gay-friendly. (Screw the
antigay zealots in nearby Colorado Springs.)"
14. Long Beach, Calif.
"Its pride celebration is one of the country’s biggest, and the Long
Beach Pride float seems to make its way to every other Pride event
within 500 miles!"
13. Austin
"No amount of backwoodsiness from previous and current statehouse
residents George W. Bush or Rick Perry can taint the cosmopolitan,
countercultural, and friendly nature of this capital city."
12. Portland, Ore.
"Bisexual Sleater-Kinney alum Carrie Brownstein has fun on Portlandia
("Put a bird on it!") playing with the rep of the city’s hipster, hyper-
locavore, hyper-literate, boycott-ready, feminist, fleece-clad
11. Little Rock, Ark.
"... But not all LGBT life happens in a bar: According to GayChurch.org,
nine of the city’s churches advertise as LGBT-friendly. Amen!"
10. Grand Rapids, Mich.
"The heart of western Michigan LGBT life is in Grand Rapids, with
dancing, drinking, and bingo at the Apartment (ApartmentLounge.net),
which has been in operation for over three decades; karaoke at
Diversions video bar (DiversionsNightclub.com), and drag shows and go-go
boys at Rumors (RumorsNightclub.net)."
9. Atlanta
"We won’t fault you for trying to forget Real Housewife Kim Zolciak’s
dip into the lesbian pool - but don’t blame Atlanta if everyone there
wants to sample the fun LGBTs have all over town."
8. Knoxville, Tenn.
"... Knoxville has defiantly produced a robust gay scene, including the
University of Tennessee’s Commission for LGBT People; a welcoming spot
for queer, trans, and other marginalized teens at Spectrum Café
(SpectrumCafe.org); gay-affirming churches; and thriving nightlife."
7. St. Paul and Minneapolis
"... These two cities can’t get enough of each other: There’s the Twin
Cities Gay Men’s Chorus (TCGMC.org), Twin Cities Pride (the 40th annual
is June 23-24), and even Quorum: The Twin Cities GLBT and Allied
Business Community. Sheesh, just get domestic-partnered already!"
6. Ann Arbor, Mich.
"You don’t have to be big to have it going on, as this sixth largest
city in Michigan does. The area has one of the few clubs in Michigan
catering to dykes: Stiletto’s (technically in nearby Inkster) draws in
every lesbian in Detroit."
5. Seattle
"When Forbes named Seattle the most miserable sports city in the nation,
many of us felt a twinge of empathy... TheStir.com noted that Seattle
ranks among the top cities for residents who list "casual sex" as the
type of relationship they’re seeking."
4. Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
"... The area is teeming with gay bars and restaurants, and a ton of
guesthouses and spas that run the gamut from mild to spicy. Lesbians are
finally starting to move to Fort Lauderdale too, though most girl bars,
like New Moon (NewMoonBar.com), are in nearby Wilton Manors."
3. Cambridge, Mass.
"... the town is right next to a little hamlet named Boston, where
allegedly LGBT stuff sometimes happens."
2. Orlando, Fla.
"Besides hosting Gay Days at Disney World, where 50,000 LGBT folks and
their kids dressed in red T-shirts invade the theme park the first
Saturday in June (and spend $100 million in town), Orlando has more gay
softball teams than you can shake a Louisville Slugger at. "
1. Salt Lake City
"While those unfamiliar with the Beehive State are likely to conjure
images of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, far-less-oppressive-than-it-used-
to-be Salt Lake City has earned its queer cred. There are more than a
half-dozen hot spots for men and women, including the eco-friendly
nightclub Jam (JamSLC.com), though the sustainable bamboo flooring is
perhaps less of a draw than the packed dance floor."
发帖数: 2202

【在 L*******e 的大作中提到】
: http://news.advocate.com/post/15571734525/gayest-cities-in-amer
: Advocate mag 评的,现在也引起了不少争议。在utah这个摩门保守州的最gay城市,让
: 人怀疑。
: "最gay”城市评选有五花八门各种版本,杂志1月9日公布的今年结果是基于
: 一些非热门指标,例如某地当选LGBT官员、参加同性恋垒球大赛球队、同性恋书店以及
: 裸体瑜伽课的数量,及"国际皮革先生"半决赛参赛人数、跨性别反歧视法等,结果,犹
: 他州的盐湖城名列美国榜首。
: 15. Denver
: "Denver is simultaneously outdoorsy and a rapidly growing metropolis,
: and its attitude is exceptionally laid-back and gay-friendly. (Screw the

发帖数: 24887
I have doubt over at least 5 of the 15 cities.
Little Rock, Knoxville, Grand Rapids, Orlando, and Salt Lake City.
These cities being the "gayest" cities nationwide is so against common
发帖数: 19713
发帖数: 24887
I think it is due to deeply flawed methodology.
I remember a practical joke, it is something like this: judged by the number
of plastic-covered magazines (a.k.a. porn) mailed to households vs. total
number of population, Utah ranked the highest nationwide. If one errs by
equating such a percentage to "openness of society", then he will come to
the funny conclusion that Utah is the most open-minded state in the country.

【在 m******1 的大作中提到】
: 盐湖城?OMG,搞没搞错,NC选出来的吧?
发帖数: 2153
their criteria are purely entertainment-based...
They should consider to add:
LGBT% population (most important factor)
GAY Civil Union or Gay Marriage rights
发帖数: 22013

【在 L*******e 的大作中提到】
: http://news.advocate.com/post/15571734525/gayest-cities-in-amer
: Advocate mag 评的,现在也引起了不少争议。在utah这个摩门保守州的最gay城市,让
: 人怀疑。
: "最gay”城市评选有五花八门各种版本,杂志1月9日公布的今年结果是基于
: 一些非热门指标,例如某地当选LGBT官员、参加同性恋垒球大赛球队、同性恋书店以及
: 裸体瑜伽课的数量,及"国际皮革先生"半决赛参赛人数、跨性别反歧视法等,结果,犹
: 他州的盐湖城名列美国榜首。
: 15. Denver
: "Denver is simultaneously outdoorsy and a rapidly growing metropolis,
: and its attitude is exceptionally laid-back and gay-friendly. (Screw the

发帖数: 24887
Atlanta is definitely different.
Or, we believe so?

【在 k*****e 的大作中提到】
: 看到了,我们亚特兰大前年也第1名呢。当时还挺美的。
: 现在这叫什么感觉,好不容易得了一次选美冠军,却发现下届冠军是凤姐。

1 (共1页)
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话题: gay话题: lgbt话题: cities话题: city话题: pride